moved out of my life

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1 Month Later | Pam's POV

"Home sweet home."

I said to Mia and Ava as I unlocked the front door to our new house. It was time for a change. So I moved the girls and I from Orlando to San Jose just to at least try and get away from Fergal and all the drama. The girls didn't even need to be around Fergal. All he cares about is Becky.

Thank god I had Sasha and Sami. They helped me move all of the girls and I's stuff and watched them while I decorated and put everything into place. They contemplated about moving here themselves and I really hope they do it.

"Momma I'm tired."

Mia said as she rubbed her eyes. I checked the clock and realized it was way past her bedtime.

"Okay. Let's go to bed pumpkin."

I said as I picked her up and carried her to her room. Once she was all snuggled up in bed, I took Ava to her crib and put her to sleep. At least Mia didn't wake up when Ava cried so that's one less little one to worry about at night.

I walked into my bedroom and decided to open the final boxes and put things away. I was looking through the box of photos when I came across Fergal and I's wedding photo.

No matter how angry I was with him, I always put this photo up. It reminded me a simpler times. But I couldn't do it anymore. I needed to move on. I put the photo back in the box, shut the box up, and decided to head to bed.

It's not like I'm gonna get much sleep anyways.

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