you never learn

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"I just can't believe her. I tried to go and apologize and she threw me out!"

I said with a sigh as I put my head down.

"Aw, Ferg."

Becky said as she walked over to me with a sleeping Julianna in her arms. She placed Julianna in her bassinet and sat next to me on the couch.

"Can I give you some advice? You know, Rebecca to Fergal; just like the old days?"

Becky asked as she cupped my face with her hand.


I said as I took a deep breath.

"You keep telling yourself that you're in love with her. You don't wanna let go of what you two once had so you're forcing yourself to have feelings for Pam. But you really don't. No matter how many times you tell yourself you do."

Becky said as I sighed. She might be right. Maybe I'm not in love with Pam like I once was.

"I just don't wanna lose her."

I said as tears fell down my face.

"I know you don't. You know how she said that she's setting you free? Now you have to set her free. You two could always be friends. Your boyfriend and girlfriend relationship just didn't work out. You could always just be friends."

Becky said as I nodded. Maybe Becky is right. Maybe I'm not in love with Pam like I thought.

"Thanks Becks. I really needed that. Like, a lot."

I said as she giggled.

"Anytime Fergie."

Becky said with her big beautiful smile. Then we found ourselves just like we were a couple days ago.

Making out on the couch.

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