the truth hurts

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"C'mon guys, the bus is gonna be here any minute!"

I called up the stairs as I ran my hand through my nappy hair. After Pam's wedding I've just been getting less and less sleep.

It's getting harder to take care of the kids since Mella and Cass decided to go back on the road and can't help me anymore. The kids were just getting older and more irritable towards me.

A lot of them missed Pam. A lot of them missed Skye. A lot of them wanted us to just be a family again. But none of them knew how much trouble I went through to try and get that to happen.

I sighed as I finished packing the kids' lunches as they ran down the stairs.

"Have a good day guys!"

I said as they grabbed their lunches and slammed the door behind them. And now it's just me. But I'm used to it. It's always been just me.

Pam's POV

"Wow. This room is insane."

I said as I walked into the hotel Aaron and I will be staying at while in Paris.

"I know right. Maybe we should break in this bed a bit."

Aaron said as he hopped onto the bed and grabbed me by the waist.

"Let me go change into something a bit more...comfortable."

I said as I let my finger roam down his chest. I turned on my heel and quickly went to the bathroom where I already had my lingerie on underneath.

I walked out of the room to see Aaron, sitting on the bed, on his phone.

"Oh Aaron!"

I said with a smile as I walked over to him. When he didn't look up, I got on the bed behind him and let my hand roam down his chest.

"What could be more important than your half-naked, sexy wife waiting for you?"

I whispered in his ear as I snatched his phone from him. But what I found broke my heart.

"'I can't wait to come home from Paris and get some real sex from a real woman. Pam just doesn't do it for me. I'm ready for you right now baby girl.' What the fuck is this Aaron?"

I asked him with tears in my eyes.

"Pam, it's not what you think!"

Aaron said as I got off the bed and started throwing my shirt and pants back on.

"I can't believe you would cheat on me! I love you so damn much! I thought you did too! God, I'm such an idiot for thinking you changed."

"Baby I did change."

Aaron said as he put his hand on my cheek.

"No you didn't! I'm out of here."

I said as I headed for the door; but Aaron blocked the doorway.

"Let me go!"

I yelled at him.

"Not until you listen to me."

Aaron said.

"I'd rather drop dead right about now!"

I said as I pounded my fists against the door. Aaron grabbed my wrist as I started fighting back but that all changed when I got a painful strike to the face.

He fucking slapped me.

"Pam, baby I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that."

Aaron said as I looked up at him with tears in my eyes and my hand on my cheek. I didn't say anything as I just stormed out of the room.

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