Chapter One

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"Oh cool.." Kiara rolled her eyes at her friend Auni showing off his mane. He was a lion of grey hide and black mane with a unique white strip at the front, he possessed deep blue eyes. Quite the charmer some say but being a sarcastic teen Kiara couldn't give less of a damn about how handsome he was while she was busy fighting for freedom. "Aw come on, what's the problem princess?" He joked, hopping in front of her. "The problem is that my dad keeps using Kopa as an excuse to lock me up!" She complained to her friend. "And he treats you like his son!" She huffed. "Not my fault. You reckon it's because I'd make a-" "Don't even try. You're in the nose bleed section of the friend zone." She rolled her eyes. "Welp, a lion's gotta try.." He sighed. They walked in silence until Kiara gasped, her lips curled into an evil grin when she saw her grandmothers in the distance. She chuckled slightly and pranced away from Auni.

"Good evening Kiara." Sarabi greeted. "Hi grandma! Do you think you could spot form me? Dad won't let me go!" Kiara begged and lowered herself lower than her grandmother. Sarafina rolled her eyes. "Simba!" Sarabi ordered her son's attention who came quickly to his old mother's service. "Come on son, look, your daughter wants freedom. Give her a few minutes away." Sarabi pled. He hesitated. "You have ten minutes." He warned. "Woohoo!" She launched herself off the ground, feeling the breeze go through her hairs until she landed with her ears pricked upwards in joy. "I'm free!" She laughed, running off.

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