Chapter Twelve

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"Where's Kovu!" Zira roared to one of her spying lionesses. "We lost him, but he was headed near the pride lands." She shut her eyes to avoid facing Zira's wrath. There was silence, Zira grinned from ear to ear. "Our plan is in motion.." She chuckled.


Kovu peaked across the boarders at the land he was forbidden from stepping paw on. He'd hesitated in search for Simba, but a pleasant aroma lured him closer. Heat. He knew if a lioness from the pride lands was in heat then Simba would be nearby to intimidate rogue males. There was no going back. He'd trained for this moment for years.

Kovu began his mission while baring caution in case of an ambush by the other lionesses, but one lioness was alone. She caught Kovu's attention, looking awfully familiar. She lay alone, grooming herself by a puddle of water. Not a sound came from Kovu for a moment as he'd contemplated whether or not it was worth violating his mission, but at the same time it would anger Simba if he'd come near his lioness and his mother would be proud to piss Simba off. Something snapped inside him, that was the princess. Simba would be especially hurt.

Her ears pricked up, she was alert after catching his scent and didn't hesitated to jump to her feet when she lay eyes on him. Her odor was intoxicating, but another fragrance crawled into his nose. Other lions were on the way. He resisted the princess rubbing her scent glands against him as an attempt to attract him, but he stood his ground just by a thin hair away from going in.

'Look princess, you don't even know my name..'  He wanted to tell the forward lioness but her family had arrived to the scene. Nala looked least irritated, Simba and Auni both being infuriated but he was indeed shocked to see his sister standing by the prince. "And we meet again." Simba grit his teeth. "First you want to kill me, now you stick around by my daughter." Simba challenged. "Simba back off!" Nala whispered. "Go home Nala." He ordered as Auni already started a nipping match. "Okay! Stop!" Vitani shrieked in panic of her baby brother. Simba backed off out of shock from the sudden cry only Auni didn't obey. "Hey! Back up! That's my baby brother!" Vitani rammed into Auni who only shuffled. Kovu and Simba exchanged murderous glares.

"Coming from an out-" "Take it easy dad, that's your son's mate." Kopa corrected his bias father who cleared his throat. "Have some mercy.." Vitani pled. Simba glanced down at his grandcubs and took three large puffs to relax. "I'll be his judge.." He motioned for everyone to follow, including Kovu who beamed though Auni blocked Kiara from Kovu on the walk back.

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