Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Are you okay?" Simba asked as Auni invited himself to nuzzle Kiara. "I'm going to get him!" Vitani insisted with Kopa who's cubs were now following. They stuck by a bush when their parents and pride chased Kovu down the stream. "Here!" Kopa's call sounded slightly muffled with Kovu's scruff. Everyone got into the water, supporting one another as they'd dragged him out of the piercing water. 

Vitani circled him, relieved to hear Kopa say the password- "He's alive!" Kiara nudged his face but the bloated lion was still half unconscious. He was severely bloated, his skin stretched, showing red spots. The only movement he displayed was a gag or hiccup here and there. "Oh this is all my fault! I never got to tell him so much!" Vitani wept. "Don't beat yourself up.." Nala comforted. "He's your little brother, he at least knew you cared." She excused. "I know.. But he never knew how much mom and dad cared. He doesn't remember them.." She squeaked. 

They heard small whispers from nearby. It couldn't be the cubs, they where beneath her. "Hello?" Vitani whispered back at the voices that gasped. From the shadows, from the crack from the mountain emerged a pair of lions. 

Everyone was in shock. Now was far from the right time for a pride take over, but it was lion duty. Kopa, Auni, and Simba snarled and shielded the lionesses from the rogues who pulled back in fear. They had no intention of an attack, but the male grew defensive of the lioness beside him. 

The male looked similar to Kovu, his mane a lighter shade of brown, his eyes matching Simba's exotic orange. He had many scars across his body from many fights, while the female looked as the male only having not a single scar or wrinkle on her, not a hair out of place. She was flawless as she'd been protected all her life.

"Wait!" Vitani interrupted, rushing to the male and invading his space, her eyes inches from him she gasped and pulled back. "Dad?" Vitani slid back in shock. The aggression from the male dropped. His face loosening up his curled lips that dropped over his teeth, his eyelids relaxed his glare and he lifted himself back into a casual stand. 

Everyone gasped, "Tani?" The lioness gagged in shock, her eyes bulging out of her face and her jaw hitting the ground.

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