Chapter Twenty Two

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Kovu slid down into the gorge too late to help Simba as the damage had already been done. He just hardly saw his brother's paw tremble between two thick logs. He gasped and pulled down a log, digging a breathing hole for Nuka. Zira slammed her shoulder into his, driving him out of the way. "Move!" She ordered, she reached down and held her son's jaw which trembled. "Heh.. Guess I got your attention now.. Huh mother?" He forced a smile. "Shh.." She whispered. "Well mother.. I tried.." He huffed away his final breath of air. 

Zira hushed him and gently let his face go, letting him rest in peace. In her rage she turned to Kovu who helplessly loitered while he thought of what to do. "You!" Zira smacked him, creating a fresh layer on Kovu's scar. "Eeaugh!" He grunted, there was a moment of heavy breathing before he looked back at his mother, she gasped, seeing his eye bleed. "What.. Have you.. Done!" Zira gargled her words in her throat.

"I-I didn't mean to-It-it-it wasn't my fault I-I.. I did nothing.." Kovu spat as enlightenment suddenly dawned upon him. "Exactly! And in doing that you betrayed your pride! You betrayed Scar!" Zira circled him as an attempt to relieve some anger. "I want nothing more to do with him!" Kovu lunged at his mother. She gasped. "I hope you're satisfied you backstabbing little shit! Nuka is dead because of you!" She shamed. "No.." Kovu whispered in uncertainty. 

"You've murdered your own brother!" She guilt tripped. "No!" He shouted, fleeing from his mother's presence. "Let him go!" Zira snarled at the lionesses getting ready to ambush him. "Simba has hurt me for the last time!" Zira declared. "Listen to me!" She chuckled sinfully. "At sunset, we will attack. If Simba won't surrender his land, then we will claim it! By! Force!" She cackled as her lionesses roared to applaud her.

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