Chapter Six

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Vitani stood her ground firm in hiding, she waited out the royal family and her brother's lecture. She glanced at her mate for his nod of approval but he was shocked from what he heard, he still gave her a nod. She dragged herself out of cover, the sudden exposure felt much like a dagger plunged into her. She told herself to act normally only causing her to lift her paws off the ground too high and her head held too high and her teeth grit too hard. She head over to the pride that feasted on a rotten carcass.

When she caught up to the pride Zira looked at her up and down in a disgusted sneer. "Are you sure you need any tonight.." She so rudely commented about her weight gain. "Mother.." Vitani hesitated, she felt a lump in hr throat that she gagged on. "Spit it out." She rolled her eyes at how long Vitani hesitated. "Mother I think.. I-I'm pregnant.." Vitani hesitated. "Tani!" She barked and prepared to strike. Her tail curled between her legs and she grew tense, just when she thought the pride would end her, Kopa had suddenly appeared to her defense. He swatted and growled at the lionesses that dared get near his beloved mate. "Scram! Get out of here! Go raise those filthy hairballs with THAT!" Zira quickly dismissed when she looked into Kopa's eyes. "Murderer." He growled at her and lead Vitani away with him.

She glanced back at her brother. He was so young, and that gave Zira the advantage of manipulation. He lowered his head avoiding eye contact with his sister. In just a few more months her baby brother is going to be a killing machine.

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