Chapter Eight

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Hardly a week passed when, Kiara woke in the cave. It was pitch black in the back of the cave. She needed fresh air without the hassle of her dad running up on her. She slipped away when she was sure everyone was asleep. When she turned the corner, she saw a small ray of sunlight.. More like her light of hope, she figured she could use some time away from the pride. She pranced to wherever the light took her until she reached the side of a cliff that lead down to a gorge that had time to grow some plants, it trapped a decent clutch of wildebeest. It was a sight she never thought could exist by her home. Her jaw dropped open, she watched the sun rising in fascination.

Soo after she felt a breath on the back of her neck. She gasped and slowly twisted her stiff neck to look back and gasped when she saw that same lion with injures that were presumably caused by Simba and Auni. He seemed hypnotised by the view, unaware she was inches away from him. Her gasp snapped him out of his dreaming. His gaze quickly shifted down to her, his jaw also rested open. She let out a blood curdling scream in fear of his intensions and pulled back.

Her hind legs slipped and she caught a grip onto the rock. She stared up at the lion who held her life in his paws. She tried to beg for mercy but all that escaped her mouth were mangled whimpers and cries that cut at short gasps. He lowered himself and grasped her paws, there was a long moment of hesitancy before he'd lugged her back up to safety.

In the shock of the previous traumatic event she remained on the ground panting. Her heart raced so fast it practically vibrated, every little hair on her body stood erect. "Kiara!" Her father's voice barked at her. "I thought once was enough for him.." He'd grit his teeth, lifting his paws and placing them down in fighting position. "You have five seconds to run before I call everyone." Simba threatened. The anonymous young lion bolted with his tail between his legs.

Simba's murderous glare swept over her as he turned to lead her back to the pride lands. "Father! Just let me go for once!" Kiara complained. "I did let you go! And I found you off with a rogue. My orders have been clear since you were born. You will stay within my pride lands and mate Auni when you're mature. Pride Rock is one of the largest territories in the savannah, what more do you want?" His voice remained monotone, low, as calm as he may have sounded, she was stroking the tips of flames. She kept her mouth shut on this one.

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