Chapter Nine

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"Dad! Dad! Come on Dad! Wake up!" Nya pounced to her sleeping father next to her undisturbed mother. They flicked her away like a flea, or at least avoided her by turning away. "Dad! You promised we'd move today!" She kept poking his muzzle. He was dead asleep. She grew agitated. "Mom!" She pounced, shoving her brother away from his mother and slumber. "Mh! Nya go away!" Vitani turned away. Her eyebrows pointed down in fury. She crawled into a bush and screamed - "Dad! Help! A leopard's here!" Kopa roared to life like a car, "Who! Who's hurting my little girl!" He hopped to her defense. Nya simply laughed, reminding him of his little sister's laugh when she was a cub.

"Remember you promised me that you'd move us today!" She reached up, swatting at his tail. "Alright.." He sighed, hating moving since he and Vitani were picky about the living conditions of his offspring.

"Mom! Nya hurt me!" Clif snitched, stroking his muzzle that slammed into the ground beforehand. She gave I'm a small lick in comfort. "Hehe!" He giggled stupidly. "Ugh.. I hate having a little brother, dad! Did you ever have a stupid little brother?" Nya softly tapped her father's hind leg. He gulped the water hanging on his tongue before getting up and letting out a sigh of refreshment. "I had a sister." He began the voyage with everyone. Nya was hit with sheer curiosity her lips curled tightly into an O shape and her eyes expanded.

"Where is she! She must be so cool then.." Nya chuckled and made faces at her little twin brother. "Living with my parents.. Hopefully alive and well." A slight tone of despair. "Well-" "You're not ready to hear it." Kopa objected before she asked. "Hmph! Fine! Maybe mom's more open then." She huffed and turned to her mother. "Brother, and no you're still not ready to hear it." Vitani shook her head. "Is your brother still alive then? Because dad's making it sound like his sister got eaten by alligators." Nya briefly shamed her father. "Probably not." Vitani referred to all sorts of abuse Zira displayed to her and Kovu as cubs. It's easy to think Kovu was dead, starvation, a fight, a possible disease wouldn't surprise her either.

The rogue family continued their expedition with further conversation.

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