Chapter Seventeen

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For hours on end, they'd spent the day running around the pride lands. Whether it was scaring the herd, or losing Timon and Pumbaa when Simba sent them didn't matter. It meant something to be escaping Simba and Zazu's eyes for the day. Kovu hadn't had an ounce of personality since the last time he'd run into Kiara. It was something about her that brought him out, that made him feel like a cub again. He was redoing his cub days that were robbed of him after his mother drilled revenge and hatred into his head since the moment he was born. She went as far as to name him after his adoptive father.

They lay across the grass in relaxation after a long day of goofing off. Kovu's worries had floated away in that moment a they looked up at the clear sky, displaying a selection of shining stars to them in an array that showed off nature's beauty along with it's ugliness. "Look! That one looks like a rabbit! See it's fluffy tail?" Kiara purred, she was such an innocent soul he'd thought now.

A fragile smile rested across his face now as he felt Mufasa's calm breeze. He lay his head back down, observing a display that Kiara may find amusing like he does. He pointed up. "Heh, look! That one looks like two lions fighting." He let out a small chuckle, but when he looked at her he mistook her concern for disgust. His ears rested against his head now as he contemplated what was wrong with him. "I-I've never done this before." His voice came out in a stutter that ended with a small whimper.

"Really?" Her eyes grew wide again, looking back up at the stars. "My father and I used to do this all the time when we were little. He used to tell me everything about my grandpa.. Hmph.. He was enthusiastic. I guess his kingly duties got in the way of that.. We grew apart I guess, it starting to be Auni who subbed in for my dad. I don't know what it is about doing this.. I just feel so connected with something up there.. Guess it's just my grandpa up there." A chill ran up Kovu's spine.

'Really? What a coincidence! My father murdered your grandfather!'  A lump in his throat grew making him gulp numerous times, he realized she was oblivious to his original plans. Could he really hurt her by hurting her father? She might not have the best relationship with him at the moment but she still cared. "My father also told me what happened to grandpa. Nobody really knew what was wrong with Scar.. We think there was something inside him.. I think he used to be innocent once.." Kiara philosophized. That tore it, she knew what Scar did. He pulled himself up and sat up. His tail tapped against the ground in stress.

Kiara lay on her side for seconds to see what was up with her friend. "He wasn't exactly my father, but he became part of me." Kovu's eyes looked like shining marbles when a light coating of tears covered them.

Kiara sat by Kovu. "We don't know what happened.. We knew there was a sort of darkness inside him.. Something that ate him live I guess to put it to words.." Kiara explained. "What's his is mine.." Kovu put himself down. Kiara saw her friend flinch and frown. She looked both ways, knowing she was forbidden from doing anything like what she was about to do. She dug her head beneath his chin. His eyes widened in shock. The princess was nuzzling him, that was something he couldn't verbally refuse like that. 'What was in that passion fruit?'  Kovu thought, but another thought hit him.

Did he really want to be the lion that preformed the sandal of stealing the princess from a royal warrior? He was a soldier, she was a princess. He had no business near her, he was too flawed to deserve a kind hearted jewel. All you had to do is glance at him, a scar, a lousy personality, the drive to murder her dad. He could never at this point, not after Kiara opened up to him so much. Too much good was in his heart now.

He couldn't steal a fine lioness from the lion who deserved her. God knows how long it's been since he was thinking. He pulled away. Kiara looked back at him, the light was perfect to bring her out. "What's wrong?" Her voice was soft, it floated without disturbance. "I-I" 'I don't deserve this, you're announced with a mate in hardly a week..'  "I gotta go." He began to vacate the premises to avoid any and all temptation to hurt anyone. He was going out there, ditching his pride and he was going to live being a rogue that nobody knew or wanted.

"Kovu.. Wait.." She now had tears in her eyes from feeling abandoned. He was her only hope for freedom before being forced to raise Auni's cubs. Auni wasn't the problem, a forced relationship was. 'Great job moron, the whole point of you leaving is so you don't hurt here. Now she's hurt.'  He glanced back at her, but tried to continue.

Auni and Simba stalked them from a nearby hill. Auni stood firm beside Simba, watching his future mate interact with an outsider, a rebel. "I swear, when she gets home she's grounded!" Simba grit his teeth. "She ignored Zazu and I when we came to help her. He's got an influence on her. Untraditional.. What do you think Auni?" "I'm with you your majesty." Auni please. "Exactly! What would my father think?" He glanced up at the start that shined the brightest star. "He'd never-" "He'd never judge so soon." Nala snapped behind him. Simba turned back to his mate.

"What are you up to?" She questioned. "Seeking advice.. What am I going to do with.. That?" He turned back to Kiara and Kovu. "Oh come on Simba, loosen up for once. He's got some potential. Look at him. He's just troubled, get to know him like our daughter has. Maybe you'll see something in him like I do." Nala guided. Simba looked back at the two. He'd hesitated. "Come on you two. It's about time we all settled down." Nala lead them away. 'No funny business.'  He imagined himself telling Kovu and Kiara before leaving.

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