Chapter Twenty Eight

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"No!" Kiara tackled Zira, stopping the moment of tension. "Kiara!" Simba and Kovu gasped. The pride rushed to the edge of the cliff, sliding at the sudden stop, sending pebbles and bits of dust to their doom as the lionesses clawed the mountain for life.  Kiara gasped, grunted, and whimpered for every struggle and clench. She confessed her sins before she would fall, her life was already flashing before her eyes. 

Simba stared down to his daughter whom he'd prayed for. He loved her too much, he was in luck. After Kovu started to slide down, Auni reacted by strategically pouncing to rock with mud he could hold. Simba felt slight relief that the lion he trusted was going to get his daughter. "Kovu! Help your mother!" Zira gulped with Kiara's tail between her jaws, Kovu swung at her with a growl. 

"Kiara, take my paw." Auni offered Kiara who had not escaped Zira's grip. Kovu continued to lunge and snarl at her before she caught his bluff, he caught his own bluff at the same time and sunk his teeth into her muzzle. She let out cried of pain and struggled, pulling too much on Kiara. Her jaws grew weaker and when Zira surrendered Kiara, Kovu let her go. "You little shit!" She growled. Kiara continued to attempt sliding to Auni's safety. Kovu had turned to see Kiara's own predicament and held her up on his shoulders. He left his backside vulnerable to Zira who took advantage of his mental absence. Kovu's right hind foot was with Zira now. She wasn't going down without him. "Just-- A little-- Closer--" Kiara clenched. "Hwah!" Kovu slid down a bit, sending Kiara to screech. "Kovu!" She gasped. "Keep reaching!" He distracted her from Zira's growls slowly sweeping against the dust that flew away from her. 

"It's okay sweetie I got you!" Nala clung to Kiara, Auni started to carry her to safety. That was when in a blink, Kovu's jaw was against the rock that was once against his feet. "Kovu!" Vitani pounced down to her little brother. "Go back up there!" He ordered his sister as his grip weakened. "I'll never go down without you!" Zira let go of her rock, Kovu now supported her weight. "It's either we both live or we both die Kovu.. Make your choice!" She taunted. "Kovu it's fine! Take my paw!" Vitani reached from a higher platform. He glared down at Zira. "Never!" He plunged his other foot to her face, his dramatic victory never came. 

The two fell to their doom, hearing screams of terror following them. Zira began to drown since she had no clue how to swim. Kovu's defeat became clear when he'd hit a boulder. He became dizzy on impact. His jaw dropped open letting water fire down his throat. His eyes rested halfway shut as he'd flowed with the rushing stream.

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