Chapter Twenty One

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"And for refusing to change.. His fear and arrogance eventually killed him." Simba concluded as they went through a heavily wooded area. "He really was a killer.." Kovu shook his head in shame, his mother lied to him for years about Scar's true identity. "But you know.. The new generation can always grow differently." He circled a sapling. "If given the chance." They looked up at the clear view of the sky without leaves blocking the sapling from growth. They were at the edges of the pride lands. "And look... I'm sorry about our first impression.. I guess I get a little carried away protecting her sometimes.." Simba apologized sincerely, but Kovu smiled at him in forgiveness. It was him who should be thanking Simba for the chance.

Their precious moment ended with a wicked chuckle. Kovu's eyes widened, remembering his worries that had slipped his mind. They saw Zira and her lionesses form a circle around them. Simba's lips curled upwards, flashing his teeth. "Why Simba.. What are you doing out here.. All.. Alone?" She chuckled, she projected her voice so well that it sounded like a speaker. "Oh no.. Oh no.." Kovu whispered. "Zira.." Simba growled a vicious greeting.

Kovu would never forget his brother's grin behind his mother, ready to be a show stopped. Kovu began to tremble, he let his mission slip and he was paying the price so suddenly. Simba started to growl louder to warn the lionesses that closed in on the two. "Well done Kovu.. Just as we always planned." Zira praised her son. "You deceptive little-" "No! I had nothing to do with this!" Kovu pled. "Attack." Zira snarled.

Nuka was the first to slide into action, challenging Simba who dismissed him by whacking his paw against his jaw, the next lioness to challenge him got the same treatment before two lionesses gripped onto him, one on the back and the other sunk her teeth into his throat. Simba let out grunts of pain as his attempts to pry off the lionesses failed, a third lioness pounced. Kovu felt confident, these were the lionesses that he sparred with back at the outlands, he always won.

He smacked a lioness off of Simba almost the same way a person smacked a mosquito, but his strength didn't last long when the lioness riding on Simba's back plunged her hind legs into Kovu's head, sending him flying and he was knocked out when he slammed into a rock.

Simba had lost his balance, he'd suddenly done a summersault and slid down a fairly steep hill until his rib slammed into a boulder and he tipped off, he landed to his side. He fought himself to get up, coughing from impaction. There were three slow seconds for reaction when Zira began to cackle. "He's ours ladies!" She sent her lionesses after him. He ran in place, slid then began a sprint as fast as possible for injury. A lioness jumped on his back but soon fell. "Remember your training! As a unit!" She advised.

He then tensed up and pounced up a dam of broken logs using a rock as a boost. He struggled to jump while sliding down a bit. It was all too familiar, it was like the time he was chased by hyenas as a cub. He was shaky on his climbing but had no choice if he wanted to live. He kicked a log down to slow them down.

Throughout this ordeal, Kovu had woken up and seen Simba's predicament. "Simba!" Kovu gasped, desperately finding a way to help, he ran off to find another exit for Simba. "Get him Kovu! Get him! Wait.. No!" Zira spat at her son when he ditched. "I'll do it! For you mother!" Nuka begged for attention as he made his way up, quickly reaching Simba's tail. He caught his hind paw. "Urgh!" Simba groaned, praying to survive, confessing his sins to his father for mercy.

"This! Is my moment! Of glory!" Nuka chuckled but his moment of glory never came.. The log beneath him snapped. "Huh? No!" He squealed when he tipped over, the heavy log beside him collapsed with him, instantly smashing his hip and the log Simba dove off of to crawl onto steady ground crushed Nuka. And just like that, Simba escaped Zira's grasp.

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