Chapter Thirty

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There was silence, lots of staring and some sniffing occurred. "Impossible.." She lioness spun in a circle. "Chumvi.." She gasped, a smile growing on her face and a sheet of sparkling tears forming over her eyes. "It's our daughter.. She's alive.." She gulped, the lion was very much stunned. He'd figured this out moments ago. "Mom.. Dad.. Mom! Dad! You guys!" She dove into their affections, sobbing. 

The old couple welcomed their child. Out of respects, the pride remained silent. The family finally pulled back. "Ohh! My baby's all grown up!" She squealed. "We've missed you Tani." Chumvi now smiled. Vitani smiled back. "Are you still with your brothers?" He sat down. "Heh.. Well, it's a.. Story." She swallowed. "Here's Kovu." She looked back to Kovu who'd thrown  up as she spoke. "My baby boy's all grown up!" The lioness weaved between the three lions and crowd of lionesses to nuzzle HER son. "Laini, where's Tendaji?" Chumvi gazed up at the sky until his eye caught a horn bill, the blue feathers were pink. "Down here!" He called. The bird dove down sharply and smoothly. "Sorry boss.. I got a bit distracted.." She awkwardly chuckled. "Do you think he'll be okay?" He asked about his son. 

"Oh, pshh. He'll be fine, same thing happened with that antelope when-" "We don't speak of that!" Laini shushed her. Kovu looked like pig slop, slobber strung to the ground. His jaw rested  open. Water still plugged his ears, and his vision was still out of focus. "Kovu!" Kiara squealed of joy that her friend was okay, Auni snarled and slid before her. She had nearly forgotten, just hours later she'd be property of Auni. He couldn't let her love Kovu at this point, it was too late. "He looks like he had to much passion fruit." Chumvi mumbled about Kovu. 

"Auni.. Move.." Kiara demanded. "Sorry Kiara.. King's orders." Kiara gave an icy glare to her dominant father as she was pushed away from her true love. "Ugh.." She groaned. "Oh my son!" Laini whimpered, pressing her head against her son's mane. "He needs time." Nala reminded Laini when Kovu's legs shook too much. He collapsed back on the ground in weakness. "I'll take him to Rafiki!" Kiara insisted. "No you won't. You didn't forget that you're still in trouble did you?" Simba lifted an eyebrow. "Girls!" Nala ordered her lionesses.

Laini and Chumvi strolled alongside Kopa, Vitani, and their grand cubs. They started to catch up. "Wait." Laini suddenly stopped. "What about Nuka?" She tilted her head. They heard more sound of sudden friction between pebbles and paws. They turned their gaze to Simba, who's ears were now erect.

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