Chapter Thirteen

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The pride had left Kovu in isolation at first, with Auni stalling Kiara from Kovu, Simba on patrol, the lionesses on a hunt, and Kopa having to sit and explain to the cubs why he and Vitani won't let them near Kovu yet.

While the pride feasted, Kovu broke water by a near by tree. He heard a loud shriek followed by a laugh. He glanced back, rolling his eyes and placing his leg back down. "What a lion can't take a leak in peace?" He sneered. "Don't see a mane on this one!" She joked in a pathetic and obnoxious manner letting out a small snort between her laugh. "Yeesh, you've changed." He began slipping away. "Oh give me a break, I had to go raise cubs for six months." She skipped back to his side.

"And I've been training for six months." He saw much idiocy in Vitani now. "PAH lease, you don't know half the stuff 'mom' let me in on that she wouldn't tell you." Vitani turned away, kicking dirt his way and walking away with confidence. His eyes widened, he'd looked to his elder sister. Zira told him everything, what's she going on about? "Huh? Like what!" He stopped her. "Heh, you haven't changed a bit. Look who's crawling back to me?" She lifted her eyebrow. "Well, I can't exactly tell you if you're trying to murder my father in law." She'd vacated smoothly without question.

Kovu didn't buy it. If she was an outlander that his mother trusted then she would've told him, so obviously there was no secret here that she was keeping from him. He'd proceeded to stroll amongst the grasslands when he'd spotted Auni coming his way. "So, you found  way to get out of the friend zone yet?" Kovu smirked before Auni could say a word, the lion was angered immediately. "I'm in the friend zone.. Don't you see her flirting with me?" He tried to brag.

"Tch, yeah that's why she runs away from you." He insulted. "Look I'm just doing my job." He remarked. 'You keep telling yourself that loverboy.'  Kovu kept a taunting smirk on his face. While he knew he would be rejected from the feast, he'd spotted a herd of antelope with the princess watching him from a near distance. Something else caught him, that mandrill in the tree. He knew if he was caught he'd have to run fast since Rafiki hated his guts, adding to the fact he was at the edge of the gorge only risking his chances to fail.

He was taking his chances especially after losing the last few meals. He couldn't fight on an empty stomach. He lowered himself into the grass, stalking his prey. Hunting was nothing new, until he heard the sound of the alarm. The mandrill beating his stick against his tree, screaming throwing rocks, anything to get the herd's attention. Kovu was too close to a newborn calf that he'd swiped as the herd fled.

He carried his prize by the hears so it hung down, showing off a bit. He'd never caught a kill when there was a monkey around stopping him. The mandrill stroked his beard and eyed Kovu for a hot minute.

Kiara however, looked well impressed. That, along with her heat increased attraction to him. She made her way behind him, it was uncommon for females to pester rather than vice versa. Of course, who would he run into when the princess is practically throwing herself at him?

"If you were a smart lion you'd back up right now." Auni growled. Kovu place the kill beneath him, his lips rolled up revealing his razor sharp teeth that he wasn't afraid to use. Kiara stepped back. "Daring right? But not smart against two lions." Auni commented at Simba now standing by Auni. There was silent tension before Auni pounced, marking the start of their match. One lion thrown after the other, they all got their heads to the ground at one point. Kovu was heavily wounded, their fight wasn't a quiet affair either. Lionesses soon began to gather. Kovu started to submit, now running away. Auni and Simba let out a small chuckle in pleasure seeing Kovu escaping his doom. "Simba cut it out!" Nala scolded. Auni puffed his chest out, proud that he had the rights to Kiara and Kovu's kill now.

In cruelty he swiped Kovu's kill, trotting away with everyone. Kovu sneered in slight jealousy. All he could do is pray that his mother wasn't watching him fail just then. He turned back to the princess who attempted to pester him once more. "Oh, would you stop trying to get me killed?" He spat in his fury, he glanced up the mandrill on his way away from the princess. He'd been enjoying a coconut and watching in slight disturbance, but his face molded into amusement when he saw Kovu talk back to the princess. "Hehehe!" He laughed stupidly. "You know, it's not everyday that a princess wants you. Where are you going?" He'd chuckled, there was no response. Kovu, in his rage couldn't speak and only stormed away dramatically.

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