Chapter Thirty Three

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Much after the roars had stopped, Kiara hadn't moved a muscle since the fight and since she'd been busted for her betrayal. The hours didn't come out a complete waste, she had a hell of a nap.

She woke to a tongue running across her ear, then much water flicking against her. "I'm awake.." She groaned, turning herself to her right. She was out of the bush, no longer surrounded with sticks and thorns. She'd nearly forgotten what happened the night before. She realized Kovu had woken her up by throwing water on her after going for a morning swim.

Not only that, but Kovu was covered in cuts and battle wounds despite is innocent smile. "Kovu what happened!" She rushed to his aid. "Don't worry about it." He insisted. She sat back. "What happened after.." She gulped. "Nothing really. He walked away in shame and I've been here since then. Nothing at least I don't think anything happened since nobody showed up to confront me." He explained.

"Look.. There's something you need to know." She slid her head beneath his like she had done before. She stretched her leg out in comfort of nuzzling and felt relax as she had delivered the news. "Kovu.. I-I'm pregnant." She felt his purr go stiff, he went silent. She glanced up to see his eyes bulging out of his face and his mouth dropped open.

He took a single step away from her, and swallowed. Tears filled her eyes in panic. "Kovu do you not want my cubs?" She whimpered. "No!-- Wait! I mean- Shit!" He called after her when she ran away crying. "Wait!" Kovu slid in front of her. "I'd be honoured to father your cubs." He assured, taking her into the comfort of his mane.

"Kovu.. what am I gonna tell my father?" She coughed in cries into his mane. His thick mane covered her face deliberately. "It was my fault, let me handle it." He nudged her to follow by his side. He was in no rush to see the king, he took his time drinking water and sun bathing until Kiara started to whip his heels.

"Over there.." she whispered. Auni looked like his skin hardly held him together. "Wow, the fight was rough.." Kiara whispered beneath her breath. Simba sneered at Kovu when he came close and glared at his daughter for being near him.

"Your highness.. We have news for you." Kovu submitted. "We?" He lifted his eyebrow. Nala nudged Simba to keep his mouth shut. "Kiara and I are expecting." Kovu swallowed.

Simba' eyes grew wide, his canines halfway flashed as a smile that melted and he froze. "Daddy?" Kiara squeaked, Simba slowly tipped to his side and slammed against the ground to hyperventilate.

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