Chapter Eleven

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Simba paced with Zazu and Nala consoling him. "Let's get this straight, first I caught her running off with some rogue, and now.. Barely four hours she runs off again!" He vented, vexation piled in him. His claws lifted and descended in a wave motion as he'd paced in his fury. "Simba! She's a grown lioness, it's just heat! You know..?" She lifted her eyebrow, avoiding discussing the birds and the bees.

"That's the problem!" He grunted. "That attracts rogues, it'll destroy years of tradition! We can't have a rogue fathering royal heir!" His vocal cords vibrated creating his growl. "Already done." An unfamiliar masculine voice interrupted Nala before she began to speak. Her eyes widened seeing a lioness approaching that same lion. She had sandy fur and electric blue eyes that appeared purple, not to forget her unique striking bangs. "You!" Nala's gentle demeanor snapped, only her rage boiled down when she saw cubs. "Mom.. Dad.. It's already been done. There's a first time for everything." He'd announced. "Impossible.." Nala gasped. "Kopa?" Simba's eyes widened. "Heh.. It's me." He awkwardly smiled.

"All these years.. How'd you make it out there all alone?" Nala whimpered as her cheek stroked his thick mane. "Well, I wasn't always alone.. Mheetu took me in. After I could catch my own prey we kinda' grew apart I guess.." Kopa's lip tilted down at the end. "My brother? But he's dead.. Oh what am I saying? There's plenty of Mheetu's out there." Nala shook it off.

"This means.. You're the future king.." Simba's lips became a relieved grin. "Where's Kiara..?" Kopa gulped, he hadn't seen her since she'd been a newborn. He knew all she might know about him is whatever his parents did or didn't tell him. "That I need to figure out." Simba grew tense again. "Oh calm down, she's over there flirting with Auni like you wanted her to all her life." Nala's eyes locked on her teasing Auni in the distance.


And just when Kiara lay down to expose her swollen vulva, almost letting him mate her.. He stood over her, she bolts away without warning.

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