Chapter Fourteen

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"What was all that noise?" Nya questioned in slight aggression as her parents pulled her out of her hiding hole. "The reason that you're not seeing your uncle for now.." Vitani whispered in fear that he was still nearby. "You mean h got in a fight..?" Clif trembled. "Give it to me!" They herd Kiara demand. When they turned around, seeing the princess yank away the calf from Auni and trot away.


"Hello!" Kiara called Kovu in a deserted part of the pride lands. "I'm sure someone wants their kill back?" She dropped it and stepped away, that's when Kovu dropped from a tree. 'How strong is he to climb like that?'  She thought, still impressed by his strength. He reached down with his jaw resting open, but he stopped when he saw Kiara looking down at him.

"What do you want?" He glared in disgust. "Look I.." She invaded his space. "Uh-" He hesitated in paranoia. "I never caught your name." She leaned back. "Kovu." He muttered, he wanted her to leave. He wanted nothing to do with her, just to murder her father... Normal?

"Auntie!" There was a sudden call from the cubs looking for her. "I'm here!" She guided. They screamed when they lay eyes on Kovu. "Mom and dad said-" Clif hesitated when Kovu ws starting to abandon them. "Oh, what's the harm? Look at him, he's so cool." Nya smirked. "Mom said he'd seriously be dangerous.." Clif blabbered too loud. Kovu stopped in his tracks. He'd understand if Kopa did, but his own sister knew him as a monster now. He glanced back at the cubs who stayed near Kiara, and finally took shelter up in his tree again.

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