Chapter Fifteen

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After Kiara's heat had worn off (Three days), Kovu had a new plan by now on the assassination.

Kovu shadowed Simba until he caught him taking his morning drink. Kovu bayed in slight excitement and irritation when he lay eyes on Simba carrying water into his mouth. His shoulder blades ascended and descended as he repositioned, his legs tensed up and got closer together. He was just about to jump when he heard. "Auntie! Can't catch us!" From the cubs and two fur balls slamming into his thigh. Out of shock form being caught, he sprang out of position with every hair on his body erect.

Kiara had trotted over to the cubs. A smile grew across her face when she saw Kovu. "Whatcha doin'?" She tilted her head, she was energized from a run with the cubs. "Nothing! Eheheh!" He giggled wide eyed. His heart vibrated. "Come on, why don't you run around with the cubs and I?" 'Sure! Right after I kill your dad, we can all frolic in the fields!'  The corners of his lips suddenly relaxed, his smile collapsed. "Haven't your parents ever told you not to talk to strangers?" He stalled. She let out a chortle. "But Kovu, we've met before." She grinned. "Aaa..-I don't know what you're talking about, I've never seen you before in my life." He shook his head stubbornly. She continued to chuckle with the cubs sitting in her guard.

"But you do remember that crocodile that you jumped over? And my pride coming to get me." She reminded. He rolled his eyes, he glanced behind him. She blew a perfectly good opportunity. Simba was long gone. "Sure." He grit his teeth. "C'mon guys!" She led the three.

"I call uncle's back!" Nya swatted at Kou's paws. "Hey! What if I want to! Or else I'll tell mom." He gulped. "Yeah right, like you'll remember that when you stuff your face with zebra." Nya rolled her eyes. "Come on uncle! LOVE ME!" She dug her tiny claws into his leg. He shook her. "Love me!" She groaned when his attempt to shake her off failed. Tiny tears formed in his eyes and he yelped.

"You're hurting him!" Clif whimpered. "No I'm not! Shut up little brother!" She climbed. "Nya! Down!" Kiara ordered when Kovu was about to roll over. Nya let go, falling on her back. "So.. How old are ya?" Kovu cringed of her small talk. "I'm six times your age." He glanced down at her. "Oh.. Well age is still a number, you're still a cub at heart right?" She giggled with an annoying nasally voice.

He hesitated. 'What are you besides annoying?'  He leaned down, inspecting the cubs. "Hey!" Clif got in his face, he quickly lifted his head. These cubs were a world of their own. When he was a cub he had to sleep in trees to avoid is brother Nuka, and snatch lingering lizards for dinner if he was lucky.

When Kiara got to a decently private area she settled down, letting the cubs roam. It was a small pond, shielded by vines and flower bushes. Humid. "I love babysitting these guys." She smiled. "Hey.. About that other lion that keeps picking beef with me.. Is he like your other brother?.. Or..?" He hesitated. "Oh.." She made her ay up. "Auni, my friend. We grew up together, heh, my dad's been trying to arrange us." She sighed in slight misery. "He's a nice guy, really.. But being in a relationship with him seems so forced." 'Heh, friend zone. Karma.'  He smiled on the inside.

"He's just really protective and he's had a thing for me since we were cubs, I think most of his instincts come from my dad taking him under his wing." She explained. 'PSH, that guy has a thing for you? He must have some really low standards for liking some childish priss.'  "I mean, I know he's just looking out for the best for his.. future mate." She gagged the last part of her sentence.

"Mhm." He gulped. "I better return these guys, stay here!" She pranced away with Nya and Clif. He shook his head with a slightly amused expression when she was gone. Earning her trust was going to be no sweat, she'll let her guard down, and just when she least expects it Simba's going to collapse.


"I'm telling you Nala! He's up to no good!" Simba paced. "Simba, you're just paranoid. It's been three days and he hasn't done anything. What's the harm!" Nala groaned. "Dad, mom has a point.." Kopa stood by his mother. "You're both blind to his intensions because you're not targets." Simba objected. "Zira nearly killed me." Kopa blinked. "Yeah, yeah, but she knows that you're able to take Kovu down. You were out there before, but she wants me dead to have rights. I'm telling you guys! He'll strike, and when he does.. None of you are going to be there." Simba bucked his hind legs. "Oh let it go! You're just paranoid!" Nala snapped. "I'm back!" Kiara stopped the argument just in time. "Dad!" Clif dove in front of Nya. "Nya went near uncle!" He snitched. "You little snitch! You did too!" She bit him. "Hey!" He barked, stopping them in their tracks.

"Let's go. Wait till your mother hears about this." They both started shaking. "Gotta go!" Kiara squealed. "Not so fast." Simba slid in front of her, some dust flew away beneath his feet floating away to the freedom Kiara doesn't have. "I-I'm babysitting.." Kiara hesitated. "You just dropped off the cubs." He narrowed his eyes at her. "Simba, do you remember the time when-" "Not now ma.." Simba rolled his eyes. "Oh come on! Remember when you were a cub and you took Nala to the elephant graveyard? You were such a-" Sarabi gave Kiara her nod of approval when Simba tried to keep her quiet. "Such a.. Mhhhh... Maybe another time." She shook her head.

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