Chapter Ten

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"Ew! Do you smell that!" Clif coughed. "Ew! What is that!" Nya whined with him. "Sh!" Their parents hushed, now extra cautious. "Ew it's getting worse!" Nya wailed even louder. "A lioness is in heat nearby! We don't know if she's near anyone more powerful." Vitani hissed, leaving Kopa to check if the coast is clear. "My god.." He gasped. "Huh?" Vitani's ears lifted in curiosity.

The mother and cubs peaked through where Kopa was, they faced a majestic sight of a natural sculpture. A pointy rock, with a ledge and cave. "I'm home.." Kopa's jaw struggled to move. "Kopa, they'd kill me on sight." Vitani hesitated. "Not on prince's orders." Kopa smirked in pride. "Come on! It's fine!" Kopa encouraged. Vitani looked down at the cubs standing beneath their father. "Yeah, okay." She buzzed her lips in slight annoyance. The family bared caution, with the cubs now skipping beneath their mother they all followed Kopa who still knew every inch of the land by heart.

"Home sweet home.." He smiled, Vitani observed her mate's mane bounce in enthusiasm. "Oh the memories.. Kids, this is Pride Rock. Take it in.." He paused at the perfect angle. "Generations of nobility.. My pride and joy. I never thought I'd ever be back." He'd continued with his mate and cubs. The little ones hadn't seen such rich lands before. "You used to live here?" Nya gasped. "Proudly." Kopa responded. "Woah! This is like the most prey I've ever seen! Oh the food!" Clif melted. "You'd know a lot about that." Nya rolled her eyes.

"Kopa! I can't get caught here!" Vitani whispered. "Psh! What do you mean? It's harmless!" Kopa shrugged carelessly. "I think you forgot I was with the outlanders?" She hopped forward when he continued touring his childhood home. "Ah!" He gasped, placing his paws up on a massive baobab tree clearly hundreds of years old. "Rafiki!" Kopa called up, an old mandrill soon appeared to watch in slight caution but his dull face lit up to see the former prince. "Kopa! Old friend, how have you been!" Rafiki greeted, lowering himself to his level. "Great!" Kopa had forgotten any of his worries, leaping and hopping of excitement.

"Oh, and we have some heir.." He held his hands together by his face and batted his eyelashes in innocence. "And you have a bea- AH!" He jumped back. "What's wrong?" Kopa flinched at the sudden call of distress. "You chose THAT as the mother? Are you crazy! She's Zira's daughter! Zira tried to murder you!" Rafiki internally slapped Kopa. "Look, it's not as bad as you think.." Kopa sighed. Vitani and Rafiki exchanged looks. "Back up buster." She teased. "Rafiki.. Is my father still king? Alive? Well?" He inquired. "Oh but of course! He's still proud king of Pride Rock! He's taken Auni by his side to be your sister's future mate. He's on cloud nine." Rafiki praised Simba indirectly. Kopa's mouth shaped again into an open mouth smile, he'd lead on his family through his father's grasslands, past the running herds until finally.. He caught sight of a lion pacing in the distance.

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