Chapter Thirty One

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Kiara and Auni split from the pride. They stood in the cave, Kiara's 'time out' area. The Young couple had began to argue in solitude. "Well what if I don't want to be your mate!" Kiara snarled.

"How's it my fault that your father wanted me to be with you!" He shouted back.

"Oh! So it's all about you now!" Kiara rolled her eyes. 

"Says you princess! It's always been about you!"

"What's your point smart ass!"

"My point is that I've been there for you since we were cubs, I've been there for you. I was your shoulder to lean on. What did you ever do for me other than complain!" Auni spat. 

"I can't do this right now! I have a headache." Kiara turned away. "Oh yeah, I'm sure. You say that when you have something to hide." He sarcastically smiled, nodded, and rolled his eyes. 

"That's it! I'm out of here!" Kiara kicked dust back at him. "Yeah! Go ahead! Go to that filthy little bastard! He's all you care about anyways!" Auni's voice broke at the last word exposing his pain that he'd tucked away. 

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