Chapter Two

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"I found a clutch of cubs." A lioness announced Zira lit up. "Lead us all." Zira commanded. As the pride followed, Zira swung around to her cubs. Her mature daughter and teenage son. "Not you two! Stay here and guard." She demanded before following her army.

As everyone disappeared Vitani abandoned Kovu. "Going to meet your new boyfriend?" Kovu mocked running up to her. "Oh fuck off!" Vitani spat. "Yeesh, a little moody lately. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were pregnant." Kovu commented sarcastically. Vitani gasped. "You insensitive jerk! A lioness eats a little extra antelope and you point out that I gained a couple pounds!" She started to sob. "No Vitani it's not-" "No! Go away!" She cried jumping over clutches of grass until she disappeared into the wooded area. 'Shit.. Shit!'  She thought until she managed to get to an open stream. The water's gentle running calmed her. The tough sticks that she used to step on that crumbled to brown and grey dust had now turned into a soft green grass that lightly crunched beneath her paws.

She caught a lion in her sight, with red/brown mane and bright sunny hide. He was squatted by the stream, dipping his tongue into the slow moving water only to pull up a refreshing scoop of cool water. Vitani began to trot to him. "Kopa.." She began. He licked the invisible water sacks off his lips and glanced back at her. A large gentle smile grew across his face to see her company. "Tani." He greeted, pushing himself up from the ground. "I'm scared.." She sheltered herself beneath his head into his mane to shield herself from the world. "What's the matter?" He asked in a soothing voice as he continued to rub his head against hers in comfort. "I-I don't know how I'm going to tell my mom I'm pregnant. She'd kill me!" Tears rolled down her face and she sniffled. "Tani, I'll be there for you. If they try to hurt you, I'll come right out." He bumped his muzzle against hers with a smile.

"Kopa, by the time I'd be sent off for battle the cubs would be three months old, my mom's going to kill them!" She paced. "Then as a father, it's my duty to protect our cubs." He leaned down to observe the month old swollen womb. He ran his tongue against his future cubs. She giggled a bit. "They should be back any second now." She glanced back the direction she came from still pressing herself against her mate in comfort.

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