Chapter Twenty Four

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Simba was starting to explain what happened. "I was dumb enough to think he changed.." Vitani frowned. "And to think.. I was really going to let the cubs come near him.." She shook her head, both hurt and angry with herself for falling into his traps. "But father.. That can't be true.." Kiara doubted. His eyes widened, that deceitful schmuck got his daughter. 

They heard sudden whispers. "Look.. Look.." "It's Kovu.." "It's Kovu.." A bold disgusted giraffe snapped. "Look at that scar on his face.." Some shamed, "I never trusted him.. It's an outsider! That little trouble maker's back... Hide your calves!" Others whispered. "What's he doing here? He doesn't belong here. He looks just like Scar. That hideous beast is back!" The rest consented. Kiara's face lit up. "Kovu!" She greeted and went running, Simba roared, stopping Kiara. She backed away of intimidation. "You got some balls to come back here. Are you unsatisfied you manipulative son of a bitch!" He roared. Kiara and the cubs gasped. She started to tremble in fear. "Simba.. I had nothing to do with-" "Sure! That's exactly how your buffalo ass of a mother found us." He glared down, the wind running through his mane made him look like a god, so much more powerful than he already was. 

"Please.. I ask your forgiveness." Kovu bowed. "When you first came here.. I decided to allow you to stay to grant you judgement." Simba reminded. "Daddy please.." Kiara plead. "Silence!" Simba ordered, his lionesses blocked Kiara's access. "Get him out of here!" Some antelope coughed. "And I pass it now.." Simba stared. "Kick him out! Yeah that's right! Judgement! Judgement! His day has come!" The elephants encouraged. Simba stared into Kovu's soul with cold merciless eyes just the way Zira looked at him as a cub. "Exile!"  Simba set fuel to everyone's hate and anger. "Exile! Exile! Exile!" Everyone stomped. 

Evil as plain as the scar on his face

Deception (An outrage!)
Disgrace (For shame!)
He asked for trouble the moment he came

Deception (An outrage!)
(He can't change his stripes)
Disgrace (For shame!)
(You know these Outsider types)
Evil as plain as the scar on his face
(See you later, agitator!)
Deception (An outrage!)
(Just leave us alone!)
Disgrace (For shame!)
(Traitor, go back with your own!)
He asked for trouble the moment he came
(See you later, agitator!)

Born in grief
Raised in hate
Helpless to defy his fate
Let him run
Let him live
But do not forget what we cannot forgive

And he is not one of us
He has never been one of us
He is not part of us
Not our kind

Someone once lied to us
Now we're not so blind
For we knew he would do what he's done
And we know that he'll never be one of us

He! Is not! One of us!







And like that, after being attacked with hooves, antlers, and rocks, Kovu made his way off of Simba's soil. Rafiki shook his head and covered his eyes in shame. "Oooh.." He whimpered in despair of his plans failing. Kiara gasped and cried when the lionesses, Auni, and Kopa let her go. "Father! Please reconsider! It might just be a mistake!" Kiara plead. "You will no longer be permitted go anywhere without an escort. More specifically Auni or myself." Simba's voice sounded monotone as half his brain focused on Kovu shrinking in the distance. He glared at him the same way a teenager would glare at an incontinent zit. 

"No! That's not right!" Kiara objected in offence. "He used you to get to me! What do you not get about that!" He verbally shook her. "No! He loves me! For me!" Kiara reminded. "Because you are my daughter! You will not step paw outside that cave without my permission, you will not ask to leave the boarders, you will stay where I or Auni may keep an eye on you, and you will become Auni's mate at the crack of dawn! You can pout in that cave as long as you like, or you can grow up. Auni will be the father of your cubs, you will rule the pride, and you will not mention his name. I am to keep an eye on you, and you are to stay away from him." Simba got closer and closer to his face. She hunched back, afraid of persecution. 

"You don't know him!" Kiara gulped. "But I do know he's following in Scar's paw prints... And I will follow in my father's." Simba now looked at the horizon, Kovu was long gone. "You're just like Scar! Merciless! Mark my words! You will never be Mufasa. And I hate you for that!" She rammed into his side. He slipped a bit, pebbles fell over the side of Pride Rock. Kiara darted into the cave sobbing and wailing. 

Every word that had come out of her mouth killed him on the inside. He tasted blood in his mouth as he grew tense. He gulped, and stormed closer to the cave, rage and vexation swept over him in the heat of the moment as he went to give her a piece of his mind. Kopa and Auni got in the way. "Let it go Simba.." Auni calmed him. 

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