Chapter Thirty Four

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"Nala get Rafiki! My heart rate!" He gasped. "Stop exaggerating Simba! They need support not drama!" Nala smacked him. "My baby girl, oh my god. She violated royal order." Simba swallowed. "Dad please!" "Nala I think I'm having a heart attack, my grand cubs are related to a filthy little-" "Excuse me?" Kovu snarled in offence. "Simba enough with your bullshit!" Nala commanded as Auni and Kovu stared one another down. "She's supposed to be Auni's mate.." Simba stopped his act. "I can explain.. it was completely my fault." Kovu started. "Good so-" Simba tried to pounce but Nala's jaws clamped down on his tail. He squealed like Timon and collapsed back on the ground with his jaw slamming into the rock.

There was a moment of hesitancy. "As this is the new heir, then it's my obligation that I welcome Kovu into the pride. Permanently." Simba sat in in professional manner. "What!" Auni gasped in astonishment. "You're off the hook, but Kovu.. isn't." Simba glared. "He needs a lesson." He ushers Kovu to his side. "Ouu like how to be a king beside me?" She grinned. "Don't get ahead of yourself." He warned, walking Kovu away from them. Auni' jaw was open. Kovu so easily caught the king, but Auni was born into it.

A smile moulded across Kiara's face. Simba had mercy on his, he didn't attack. "Not so fast young lady. You're coming with us." Sarabi I stopped her. Kiara looked back at her mother and now grandmother as well. "You need to learn how to be a mother."

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