Chapter Three

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As Vitani's figure shrunk more and more, he gave up on calling her knowing she was ignoring him. A wave of guilt hit him. He hurt his elder sister. He lowered his head and let out a sigh before clinging to a tree and pushing himself up until he got on a stiff branch that held his weight fine. Nothing felt better than a day off still. He yawned and flopped to his side before hearing a wrestle in the bushes and a whisper. His ears pricked up, he was alert to scan the lands before him until he caught a lioness in his sight. She trembled in fear, clearly she was vulnerable knowing she was watching her back.

A grin grew across his face, his favourite was to scare herds after a kill.. If they were lucky but a lioness would do. As his shoulder blades moved up and down he heard her utter something. "Hello?" She squeaked. Silence startled her even more. "These must be the outlands.." She whispered. "Yep!" He jumped behind her. She screamed then grit her teeth. "Ugh!" She groaned in annoyance. "Hehehe." He awkwardly giggled when she snapped at him. "You're mad? You should be bowing at my feet lady, you're trespassing and I had mercy on you." He smirked, praising himself with his head held high. "Yeah? Well a lady doesn't appreciate being spooked!" She followed him as he walked off with a proud snotty expression. "I can tell you're not out much, you're an easy scare." He shook off his still growing mane on his chest and head.

"A princess doesn't have all the freedom in the world! Especially when you're over curfew. Besides, where's your pride? Are you a rogue or something?" She questioned in disgust. "No, but here in the outlands we can be free..." He inhaled deeply through his nose. "We're even encouraged to run off. Heh, I take orders from nobody!" He bragged. "Really?" She gained sudden interest in him. She slowed down behind him but took longer, smoother, strides.

"Must be great." She praised. 'Hehe, what an easy one.'  He thought slightly shaking his head. "Well back at the pride lands-" She was cut off by a new voice, clearly old from how shaky it was. "Aye!" An old crocodile pounced from the log they attempted to cross, he had brown with different shades of green scales covering him, his body was so long that his tail flopped over to the side of the log. His mouth rested open and hide yellow/amber eyes looked murderous. "Didn't I tell you not to come back! Rotten cubs." He coughed. "What're you going to do old man Bruce?" He mocked, tapping his paw against him to let him snap. Kiara stayed behind Kovu in fear of being injured. That tears it!" Bruce snapped at Kovu's paws, his tail waved. "Baha! Miss me!" Kovu pounced over him, Kiara watched in amusement and giggled to forget her worries using a freak show.

"Come get me! Come on! I'm right here!" Kovu soon tired out the old crocodile. "Eh whatever kitty.." Bruce concluded as he crawled into the water with his disgrace and failure. The two burst out laughing, "It never gets old." Kovu shook his head, still smiling in satisfaction. "What else happens here?" Kiara hopped by Kovu, "Kovu?" They heard a voice near them that was soon cut off by dominant roars.

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