Chapter Twenty Seven

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Kopa nuzzled his sister and mate. "Go, find somewhere safe." He said to comfort them. "If I don't make it, I want you to raise them like nothing happened." He told his mate, before climbing back down to war grounds. "Daddy!" Nya gasped, "Come on.." Vitani ushered everyone away, pulling Kiara with her. All Kiara could do was drag her feet, moan, and hiccup from crying before. "Where are we going?" Clif tapped his mother who'd paced and circled several times, she was lingering near war grounds in hopes that they'd call off their conflict quickly. 

"Shh.." Vitani hushed Kiara who was wailing when she saw a figure running their way, clearly from the field of the bloodbath. The figure grew clearer and clearer, the face of a lion showed, Kovu. His bangs smacked against his face as he bounce up and down. "Look! Uncle!" Nya jumped forward, he slipped as he stopped suddenly in his tracks. "Nya?" He tilted his head. "Kovu!" Kiara squealed, tackling the young lion. Vitani's eyes widened, she internally salivated at her chance. "Kovu.. We need to talk.." Vitani approached him when Kiara backed off, she slid into the gorge but Vitani insisted on talking to Kovu. 

"Mom's told you nothing.." She sat down. "What do you know?" He rolled his eyes. "That she's not our real mother." That locked Kovu's eyes on her when she uttered those words. "What?" He snarled at himself. "I can explain.. We're siblings.. Mom and dad were-" "Zira.. She kidnapped us?" Vitani responded to Kovu by nodded. He glared down at the battlefield, Simba and Zira glared at each other and Kiara plead for peace. Kovu's shoulder blades ascended and sunk as he descended to the ground. His eyes locked on his target. 

Zira's lionesses were moving away. "You!" He snarled, pouncing on her. He pinned her to the ground on her back, she began to shout slurs. "You're so weak! Let me go!" She spat. "Sure I'll let you go." He growled beneath his breath and inched closer to the edge of the cliff. "Let me up you moron!" She corrected. "You dirty little liar.." He snorted. "What are you talking about?" She squirmed. "Who are my real parents?" He clawed her shoulders. "Scar and I!" She insisted, slamming her hind legs into his chest. He fell back, giving her time to get on her paws. "You're even weaker than I thought.." She grinned.

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