》Chapter 1 ➹ aftermath

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March 18th, 6am.

        The sky was foggy, as the Sun was growing and lifting up high.
        For once, dawn didn't look amusing to my eyes, all I could see was destruction. The destruction Valentine brought to the New York Institute only a few hours earlier.

        I quickly got up, my left arm bleeding in a sharp pain. I ignored my health and instantly reached Alec, who was laying numb on the dusty ground.

    《Alec. Hey, Alec. It's okay, it's over》I whispered sweetly, as I helped him sit up.

    《What-- What happened?》he weakly asked confused.

    《It's over now. Stay awake, I need to find Magnus》

    《I'll come with you--》he started but instantly froze when trying to stand up.

        His left leg was injured pretty bad, it was probably broken. I helped him down again and sighed.

    《Stay here, okay? Promise》

    《I need to find Magnus》he whispered in pain.

    《Alec, promise

        He scoffed and looked down with a frown.《Promise》

        I overcame at least 20 Shadowhunters lifeless bodies and finally reached the Institute doors. I ran upstairs and walked into Alec's room. I searched everywhere for information on where to find Magnus, but nothing. Not even a paper block or a letter.

        I grabbed a plain damaged long sleeve shirt from his closet and kneeled down to the floor. I was exhausted, but Alec needed me. I had to fight my weakness and walk back to where he was and help him. I had to.

         I ran downstairs and walked out of the Institute. I instantly stopped as my eyes caught something sparkly in the grass. I leaned down and grabbed what looked like an ancient book. I hid it into my backpack and ran back to Alec.

    《Okay, this is going to hurt》I quietly informed. Alec's sparkly eyes slowly met mine.

        His black hair moved to the warm wind, and I could swear in that exact moment I felt something. Admiration,  probably. Adoration. I recovered my fast-beating-heart and tight the sleeves of his old shirt around his wound.

        His face got hard in pain, and I almost felt guilty.

    《I'm sorry》I whispered.

    《Don't be such a girl》he smiled with his eyes closed. I smiled back and rolled my eyes.

        I managed to get Alec into his room and called the Shadowhunters Clay. Isabelle was the first to rush into the Institute and almost cried at the sight of Alec in that conditions.

        I assured both of them that I would've find Magnus. And I was sure indeed.


        I walked through the New York crowd silently. For a second, I pretended to have a normal day of an ordinary life; but, truth is I loved my life at that point. It surely was dangerous, it bloody was! But the people I loved, they were all worth it.

        I reached Magnus' apartment in 20 minutes by the Subway, but he obviously wasn't home. As expected, by the way. So I sat down against his double door and grabbed the sparkly ancient book from earlier that morning.

        Angeli Secretum. I stared at the cover and ran my fingers on the image. There was an Angel covered in gold with his arms wide open facing the sky. His sight was steady and it almost felt like he was staring right at me.

    《What on earth are you doing??》a voice suddenly spoke.

        I glanced up and grinned widely at Magnus.

    《Look who decided to show up》I teased.

    《I have been called in Honk Kong for some business duties》he explained.

    《Have you spoke to Alec at all?》

    《No, why? What happened??》

    《You might want to sit down》

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