》Chapter 15 ➹ the heavenly arrow

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        Magnus met us at the entrance of an old abandoned gas station in some unknown neighborhood. He waited for all of us to line up and opened a portal. The first one to go in was Emma, strictly followed by Julian and Mark. Then it was Izzy's turn and Alec's. He eventually stopped and turned to face me and Magnus.

    《Go ahead, Alexander. Rachél and I have things to discuss》Magnus warmly smiled.

    《Now?? This isn't the right time to─》Alec protested.

    《We'll be right there》I assured him. He scoffed, slightly offended, mouthing a disgusted "fine".

    《I'm not sure of what will happen after we travel through this portal》Magnus caressed his chin nervously.

    《Whatever thing will be okay. Can you do me a favor?》

    《Anything, biscuit》

    《Keep an eye on all of them. The Angels will probably want me alone, can you make sure everyone goes back to the Institute alive?》

    《You will make it alive as well》he tried to assure me.

    《You remember I'm highly empathic, right? Your fear is so showing, Warlock》I smiled and held his hand.

        Magnus curved his lips up in a small smile and intertwined his fingers with mine. We took a quick deep breath and disappeared through the purple sparkly portal.


        In front of us, a tall white castle appeared. The double glass doors opened for us to walk in, so we quietly did. The interior was utterly beautiful. Golden decorations and curtains were all around the open space, a wide white staircase in the middle of the hall.

    《Mesmerizing》Magnus admired.

    《That's what you call a stairway to Heaven》I joked, Mark and Izzy were the only one to laugh. Nice. Thanks, you guys.

        Three males showed up from up the staircase and checked down at each and every one of us. Only one of them had big white wings, the whitest shade of white even seen by a living creature.

        The one on the left walked down first and headed towards me. He slightly nodded carefully, so no one but me could notice. Truth is, I knew that one. He was my back-up plan.

    《Rachél, it's good to see you again. Even though in this very unpleasant circumstance》he spoke quietly.

        Alec fiercely stood beside me and stared at the pretty angel. Angels were beautiful by nature, but Phoenix wasn't like that. And that's when Magnus noticed he didn't belong there.

    《You are..?》Alec pouted, I softly hit him with my elbow and whispered "language" very low.

    《His name is not important》the only angel with wings interrupted.《Rachél Xaphan Jackson, did you bring what we requested?

    《Yes, sir》I made a bow, he smiled in pleasure.《Also the advocate?

    《Present》Magnus theatrically debuted.

    《The what?? What's this about??》Alec whispered-yelled.

    《Uriel!》the angel demanded,《Bring these Shadowhunters to Jace Herondale. Our requests have been accomplished

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