》Chapter 35 ➹ Alec, what?

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    I stood in front of the long desk set in the common room, away from both Alec and Owen. Lucifer reached us and, as first thing, he took a quick glance at me before dismissing my new self-defense tutor. I had no idea what to expect, and I was genuinely scared. After all, I had killed the previous Master of Hybrids, everyone in the Shadow World wanted me dead.

    "Rachél, my sweet girl, you will now have to discuss a couple of things with me and the new Master, Maalik"

    A beautiful young man walked in the room right after, a smile glued on his angelic face. His dark hair gave me Fallen Angel vibes, which I was very thankful for. Maalik. He signaled me to sit down, so I did. Alec watched us closely from the other part of the room and eventually sat next to me.

    "It's a pleasure for me to finally meet you, Miss Jackson" the new Master of Hybrids stated. -- "I find your courage amusing. We've been watching you from the start, your attempt to save your beloved Warlock has been seen."

    "She's my daughter, after all. Did you expect anything less?" Lucifer smirked proudly.

    "What's this about? Is she in danger?" Alec chimed in alarmed.

    Maalik moved his eyes from me to Alec, as he had just acknowledged his presence. A glimpse of smile formed on his face as he spoke. -- "Alexander Gideon Lightwood, we owe you one"

    "Yeah, well, I guess I'll go tell Owen" Lucifer threw a smirk in the Shadowhunter's direction, "You're in charge again, Lightwood. You won't disappoint me now, will you?"


    "Truth is-" Maalik continued, "We don't know what the curse is, but we know someone who does"

    "What are we waiting for?? Can't we just go??" Alec asked annoyed.

    "Not that fast, Shadowhunter" the Angel laughed, "She will need a couple of things first. That's why I'm here"

    "I'll go get 'em right away, just tell me what it is"

    "Would you, young girl, sacrifice your life for someone in particular?" a voice asked in my head. Fallen Angels and their obsession with getting in people's minds! I swallowed hardly and probably blushed like a mature tomato. I locked eyes with Maalik who seemed to understand way quicker than I hoped.

    "She will need you, Shadowhunter" he spoke out loud right after. I looked down embarrassed and started playing nervously with my fingers.

    "Me?" Alec raised an eyebrow, confused. -- "Why me?"

    "She will also need a Warlock and a Renegade" the Angel continued without giving him the answer. Thank goodness.


    The Institute was somehow silent, fortunately. No rush, no drama, no emergency. I reached my room followed by Brendon, one the Renegades, the one I was actually closer to. Lucifer explained that I was that powerful mostly because in my veins flew both his blood and Brendon's. Maybe that's why I felt a strong connection with my black-haired blood-brother.

    "Trouble in paradise? Again?" he softly laughed as he jumped on my bed like a little child would.

    "Shut up, Brendie. My life's a mess" I nervously let out a sour laugh and sat next to him.

    "I think he knows" I split out.

    "Alec? Ah, I don't think so" he laughed again.

    "He told me. I mean, he said he knew everything. But -- I don't know -- he didn't explain what he meant with everything"

    "He's a dumb fish, forget it"

    A loud knock on my door almost made me jump. Alec walked in right after and studied us with a odd look on that pretty face of his. So intensely I almost got lost in his deep eyes for too long.

    I unwillingly bit my bottom lip in embarrassment as my eyes wildly travelled on the Shadowhunter's fine chest covered in a tight black formal shirt, and a leather jacket. The room stayed silent for maybe a little too much, but I couldn't help staring. What was going on? Why couldn't I keep it all inside as always? Why now?

    Brendon coughed with a grin and stood up, "I'll leave you two alone so you can discuss methods"

    "What? No." I yelled way too quick, causing Alec to frown. -- "I-I mean, shouldn't we think of a plan? Like, right now? Like, you know"

    "The plan can wait, Rachi" my blood-brother winked and eventually left the room with a smirk. Damn it.


    I looked down and probably blushed as Alec walked a little closer and offered his hand for me to take so I would stand too.

    "You hate me?" he asked with cracking voice and a raspy tone.

    "What?" I locked eyes with the tall Shadowhunter for the first time in hours. It was a pain to just look into his big eyes and not being able to express myself to him.

    "Please answer honestly" he huffed with the same harsh tone.

    "I don't hate you, Alec, what the heck are you talking about?"

    "Just making sure" he shrugged nonchalantly.

    Unexpectedly, he sighed loudly and grabbed his head with both his hands. He looked desperate. Did he really know about my feelings? Was he feeling guilty? Was he feeling bad for me?

    "Shorty, this is a mess" he just said as he locked eyes with me once again and walked closer so he could sit next to me on my bed.

    "W-What is?" I started shaking helplessly. Why did Brendon have to leave me alone with him in the first place?!

    "Can I, uh, hug you?" he asked with his eyes glued on me. He was asking permission for a hug? The same Alexander Lightwood who would hug me for everything? Oh God, he did know.

    "Y-You don't have to ask for my permission, you know" I managed to say in a very low tone.

    "No, yeah, I know. It's just -- I feel like you're walking away from me and I don't want to lose you"

    "You won't lose me, grumpy boy" I weakly smiled as I pulled him into a tight hug. -- "Whatever happens, I'm not leaving your side. Okay?"

    "Promise? I couldn't make it without you" he whispered against my hair as his grip got tighter. -- "I don't care about, um, that thing"

    I pushed him a little and gulped. "Wait, what thing?"

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