》Chapter 4 ➹ fallen angels

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        Magnus hid the black feather in his long black coat and lead us back to the Institute before leaving. I instantly knew something was wrong. I thought Alec knew too, as he suddenly stopped walking and signaled us to do the same.

    《Something's wrong》I whispered.

    《Okay, Isabelle and I will check inside. You stay here, okay?》

    《Wow, Alexander Lightwood wants to keep me safe. What an honor》I teased.

    《Don't move》he added with a sassy yet adorable look, I tried not to grin too wide at his expression and let him go.

        All I remember about the brief following five minutes is still unclear to me. A very tall dark shadow with bright yellow evil eyes pushed me hard on the ground. My vision became blurry  all of a sudden, and all I could see was Gale running towards me with a Seraph Blade. The very last thing I remember is one of Alec's arrows flying into the Shadow figure.


    《Alexander. We need you》I heard Magnus say worried.

    《Alec, go. I'll take care of the angry Fallen Angels in the common room》Isabelle assured.

    《Take her hand》Magnus whispered gently.

        I blinked and tried to fight the dizziness. I was unsure in which room I was, or on whose bed I was laying on. But I felt safer now that I was in the Institute. Alec stepped across the room and sat on a chair next to the bed.

    《You think you're allowed to leave us like that? In this very unpleasant moment?》he accused me.

        I smiled with my eyes still closed at the sound of his words, until a sharp pain traveled fast through my body. I let out a scream and snapped my eyes open. I couldn't stand all that pain. Magnus' cold hands caressed my skin gently, causing my whole body to shiver at the touch.

        I glared at Alec desperately, who soon held my hand tight and moved the hair from my forehead softly.

    《Give me one more minute》Magnus said, focused on his spell.

    《It's not like I have a choice, I can't move》

        The agony disappeared right when Magnus stopped chanting the ancient words of his spell. I felt exhausted, but at least I was okay. And alive, mostly.

        I closed my eyes and rested my head on the soft red pillow. I asked Alec to fill me up with information about what had happened and what was going on in the Institute.

    《A strong Demon attacked you》Magnus explained,《And we both know why》

    《Wait-- What did I miss?》asked a very confused Alec.

    《That's why there are Fallen Angels in the Institute?》

    《Perhaps. Mostly, I suppose》

    《Can you please explain--》Alec asked again, but this time, the door opened and showed a very angry Gale.

    《Miss Jackson, Uthuriel wishes to speak with you》she informed me,《And then I will have to speak to you too. All of you》


        The Institute's common room was full filled with people. They all looked ordinary normal people, actually, but they obviously weren't.

    《Miss Jackson, it's a pleasure for my community to finally meet you》

        A tall guy walked closer, shook my hand, and asked me to sit down one of the black armchairs. His blonde curly hair was sparkling under the old chandelier. He gestured Isabelle and every other Angel to leave.

    《I have been informed that you might have found something that belongs to my people》he smiled, taking a sip of his mug of smoking hot tea.

    《I found a book, that's true. But it didn't look relevant so I left it somewhere. If I would've known it was important I--》

    《What was the name of the book, may I ask?》he bit his lips.

    《Angeli Secretum》I spoke quietly.

    《Well, you probably don't know about the Legend. Do you, Renegade?》

        I swallowed loudly. Nobody but a few members of the Shadowhunters community knew about me being the Last Renegade. I didn't have anything special, really. Just, apparently, my heart had stopped beating when I was just born and Lucifer himself gave me some of his blood. That's what I have been told, at least.

    《The Legend says nobody knows the name of that book. And you know why?》he asked with a chuckle.

    《Because no one can read that language》I sighed, looking down at my feet with a guilty look.

    《Who told you about me being the Renegade? Jev?》

    《You know Jev??》he almost choked on his tea. Great, he didn't know. Good job, Rachél.

    《Only by name》I lied.

    《The questions session is over》Alec abruptly interrupted by cracking the door open. Thank Goodness for Alexander Lightwood.

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