》Chapter 26 ➹ one last time

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    《Jules?》I questioned as I stepped into my room.《You okay?》

    《Yeah, are you?》his green eyes gazed deeply into mine. I sighed and weakly smiled.

    《Let's just say I could really use a hug right now》

    《That's what I thought》he chuckled as he got up from my bed and wrapped his arms around me.

        I softly caressed his dark brown hair and crushed my head against his neck. How I missed his hugs. His smell of sand and ocean pulled me into a flashback of when we first met. He was very stressed back then, taking care of all his siblings alone. How I missed all of them. Livia, Tyberius, Drusilla, and little Octavian.

    《Maybe I should get back to the Los Angeles Institute》I spoke as I pulled away. Julian laughed and rolled his bright eyes.

    《No you shouldn't》he smiled.

    《Hey! You don't want me back?》I playfully pushed him a little.

    《Of course I do, we all do》he assured,《But- these people are sacrifing a lot for you and your battle. They love you. And I think Alec would be devastated by you leaving him》

    《He will eventually grow over that. He has Magnus, his- boyfriend》my voice unwillingly cracked at the word boyfriend.

        Julian laughed,《It's not entirely like that》

    《You little observer.. did you paint the situation or just analyzed all of us?》I teased with a grin.

    《Maybe I did both》he smirked with a playful grimace, I laughed.

    《Jules- Oh, hey Rach》Emma raised an eyebrow.

        Her blonde long hair were braided to the side, falling softly on her left shoulder. She was wearing the tight black training suit and a leather jacket, Cortana tied on her back. Her freckles were now more visible than the last time I had seen her.

    《What's up?》she asked.

    《I suggested I maybe should get back to the Los Angeles Institute but Julian here said that I'm not welcome》I smiled, teasing Julian. He rolled his eyes.

    《What? Of course you're welcome!》her eyes widened.

    《I simply said that she can't just leave like that》Julian explained with a shy smile.

    《I will leave a note》I joked, they didn't laugh.

    《Rachél》Isabelle called softly as she entered my room. She moved her eyes on all of us questioning.《Why didn't I know about this meeting?》she joked with a grin.

    《Just tell her》Emma laughed.

    《Tell me what?》I panicked.

    《Well》she sighed with a weak smile.《Alec insisted for me to pair you two for a mission today. He said you've been ignoring him all day.》

    《And? You said no, right?》I asked, she exchanged looks with Emma.《You said yes??!》

    《He had promised me he would've tried my food and I might've given up as I was too excited for someone to finally eat my food!》she covered her face with a nervous laugh.

    《Oh, by the Angel. That boy is savage》Julian joked, causing us to brust into a loud laughter.

    《Well, Julian will come with us. Right, Jules?》I threw him a pair of puppy eyes and begged him.

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