》Chapter 41 ➹ Magnus Bane

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    Two loud knocks on the door and I waited outside the loft. It eventually opened by itself, so I walked in and took a few steps ahead. --《Mag?》I called out.

    《Biscuit!》he made a swing with a huge grin on his pretty face. I chuckled and tilt my head. --《What's the occasion?》

    《Just came to visit my favorite Warlock》I shrugged.

    Magnus warmly smiled and gestured me to sit on the comfy purple couch, so I did. He joined me right after with a drink in his hand, as his usual. --《Want some?》

    《Magnus, it's literally eight in the morning》I laughed.

    《Have you had-》he took a deep breath and locked eyes with me.《-nightmares about me?》

    I looked down almost immediately and breathed out. Magnus watched every moment closely, I knew he was still waiting for me to answer. --《Maybe. Sometimes》I gulped.

    《About what, if I may ask?》

    《About, um, that day. When we first met》I blushed violently as memories filled me up.


New York
11 months ago

    I woke up in the middle of a dark hidden street of the city, my hands full of blood. I blinked and sobs started pushing out of my throat. I had no idea what had happened and how I got there.

    《Are you okay, young lady?》a deep voice asked from out of nowhere. I barely managed to glance up at him, so he kneeled down.

    《I-I don't k-know- this b-blood-》 I stuttered.

    《I see》the guy spoke as he helped me stand up.《What is, tell me, your name?》he tried to distract me.

    《Rachél》I weakly said.《Who are you?》

     《A friend》he smiled as he suddenly moved his hands and an unexplainable purple smoke turned into a spiral circle.

    I tried to step back, clearly afraid. But the guy grabbed my arm and pulled my body against his before walking in the magic spiral.

    I found myself in a modern loft right after and wondered if I was slowly losing my mind. I held my head in my hands, feeling dizzy.

    《The first portal travel is the worst》the same voice spoke from out of nowhere,《Your dizziness will ease by time》

    《Who are you?》 I asked again.

    《I'm Magnus Bane, my dear》

    《Are you an angel?》

    《Oh, no, fortunately》he made a grimace, I couldn't help but chuckle at his dorky expression.

    He carefully sat next to me on the couch and gently washed the blood out of my hands. I couldn't stop staring at him as he was sweetly taking care of me for no reason. However, the door opened abruptly, showing a very tall dark guy covered in tattoos.

    《What are you doing?!》 he panicked.

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