》Chapter 6 ➹ Jev

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    《What are you doing here?》Jev asked.

    《I could ask you the same thing》

   《I'm here for Magnus》


        Mark glanced at me carefully and gently grabbed my hand, carrying me in Magnus' room. I sighed and dropped my body on the king sized bed.

        It smelled Heavenly. A mix of Magnus' and Alec's soft smells. I looked up at Mark, who was checking himself by the mirror.

    《If I didn't know you I would say you have a thing for that guy》he eventually spoke, his eyes steady on his reflection.

    《Maybe in the past, yes. We did have a thing》I admitted,《But, he's not a Fallen Angel anymore》

    《Does it change anything?》

    《It does, actually. He is not allowed to hang out with people like us

    《Like us?》he raised an eyebrow.

        A soft knock on the double door called our attention. A few moments later, Magnus entered his bedroom and asked Mark to leave us alone. He needed to talk to me, in private.

        Magnus sat down on Alec's side of the bed and glared at me sweetly yet worried. He held my hand and sighed.

    《I cannot let you go with him》he spoke quietly.

    《With who? What are you talking about?》

    《You don't wish to leave with Jev?》he raised an eyebrow, confused.

    《No?》I gasped,《That's what he told you?》

        Magnus nodded. I could see his expression going from confused to thoughtful, and straight to realization.

    《You are needed by the Angels. But I won't let you go》

    《What if they threaten us? I can't let anything bad happen to you guys》

    《Let them threaten us. We are beyond stronger than them》

    《Magnus, we're not

    《Fallen Angels barely have any emotion. They cannot fight us》


Two days later.

        I rubbed my eyes and opened it slowly. Isabelle was still asleep next to me. I slowly got up and got dressed as silently as possible so I wouldn't wake her up.

        I tiptoed from the bathroom to the living room, stole a toast from the counter and sneaked out of the loft.

        I stepped out of the building and walked towards the closest café. My phone started ringing, and I damned myself for not having thought about silence mode earlier. I ran a few meters forward and refused the call.

        I placed it back in my bag and tripped on my feet and almost fell off.

    《You're embarrassingly dorky, angel》someone laughed.

    《Why are you still even in town?》

    《I'll give you a hint》Jev smirked,《The reason is in front of me now》


    《Seriously?》he chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

        He carefully stepped closer and held my hands. I quickly pulled away and sighed. He smirked and leaned in. I damned myself for letting him get that close, but he just smirked. I knew he could read my thoughts.

        I tried to think to anyone or anything else. The first person who came into my mind was Alec. I could feel Jev's wondering strong sight on me.

    《I don't believe you moved on, angel》he laughed.

    《Can you please-- step back?》I weakly spoke.

    《Why?》he leaned closer.

    《You heard her. Step. Back》a strong voice threatened.

        I sighed of relief as Alec stood fiercely between me and Jev. I spotted Magnus and Isabelle outside the building of the loft, walking slowly towards us.

    《So? Leave》Alec threatened with his arms crossed.

    《This is not over》Jev teased with a smirk, as he slowly walked away.

    《It is over!》Alec yelled over his back.

        I sighed one more time as Alec faced me, and Isabelle and Magnus reached us. Why was I feeling guilty? It was his strong sight that traveled through my deepest thoughts.

    《Where do you think you were going alone?!》he scolded me.

    《What?? Why--》

    《Alexander, that's enough》Magnus calmly spoke.

    《No. Why would you do that?!》

    《I was actually going to Taki's to get you all some breakfast》I admitted in guilt.

    《You--》Alec sighed, frustrated.

    《That's really nice of you》Isabelle smiled,《Why don't we girls go get it and leave the boys here talking whatever out?》

    《Yeah》I frowned, but quickly faked a smile.

    《I will take good care of it》Magnus winked in a whisper.

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