》Chapter 12 ➹ the scratch

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    《So..》Mark's voice echoed in my empty room. I glanced at him laying on my bed, his sight steady on the ceiling.

    《What》I sighed exhausted.

    《Alec Lightwood》

    《What about him?》

    《Sweet. How long?》he snapped his head towards me and frowned. I sighed again and sat on the bed next to him.

    《We need to find a good plan》I switched the subject.

        I grabbed the ancient book of Angels and read some more chapters. Each and every chapter was about some sacrifice for the good Angels. They had to kill a Fallen. Jev!

        I instantly rushed to my phone and dialed Patch's number. He picked up right away.

    《I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon, Angel》his deep voice spoke, he chuckled in pleasure.

    《Um, I was reading that book and ─ can you please meet me at Magnus' place?》

    《Wait. You're seriously reading that?》

《Just come, okay?》I hung up.

        I quickly left my room, Mark's confused sight on me. I ran downstairs, reached the training room and grabbed a Seraph Blade. I rushed outside the Institute and ran all the way to Brooklyn.

        The tall grey buildings all looked the same to me. They were full of wide windows and large front doors. The crowd was even worse than any other day, too much people for my liking. I walked into Taki's, waiting for the streets to empty a little.

    《Renegade》a voice spoke. I shivered and ignored it.《I know you can hear me》

    《Don't know what you're talking about》I lied.

    《Of course you don't. And you're absolutely not looking for Magnus Bane, I suppose

        I raised my eyebrows and looked over the man. He looked one of those motorcycle stan type of bad guy. He had tattoos all over his arms, and scars all over his mischievous face.

        I felt my dry throat disagree with my will to deny. If he was a Werewolf, he could smell my fear. I shook my head and walked towards the exit door. In a blink of an eye, he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him; he smelled like cigarettes and blood. I fought against his chest, only making it worse. His grip tightened, causing my wrists to severely ache.


        I slowly opened my eyes and blinked, adapting to the light. I held my head and sat up. I was at Magnus', on his living room couch. How did I get here? I noticed the Warlock with the corner of my eye.

    《How are you feeling?》he asked with a frown.

    《What ─ What happened?》I breathed out.

    《You've been scratched by a Werewolf. He brought you here》he answered sweetly, pointing at a familiar figure sitting on the couch in front of where I was.

    《Lucifer》I gasped, holding the left side of my neck.《Wait. I've been scratched?!》

    《You won't turn. You have my blood》Lucifer spoke.《How did that happen, anyway?》

    《I ─ I can't remember. I was looking for Magnus and Jev─》

    《He has been here, we have sent him to the Institute》the devil informed.

    《To Alec?!》

    《Unfortunately》Magnus furrowed his eyebrows.

        My phone started buzzing loudly, I picked up the call. I sighed of relief when the voice coming out from my device was Mark's.

    《I suggest you come back to the Institute》he giggled,《Otherwise there might be a murder soon》

    《I don't think it's a good idea》

    《What happened》he asked, now alarmed.

    《Nothing I can explain through the phone》

        Magnus and I sneaked into the Institute from the terrace through a portal. Before entering the door, I rushed to him and hugged him tightly. He returned the hug with a frown. We pulled away and I called Isabelle, asking for a scarf so I could cover the scratch.

        We managed to reach the living room and met up with the others. Magnus went to Alec's room, while I waited for Isabelle. She handed me the scarf without questions, I reassured her with a smile.

        Mark and Emma were sitting comfortably on the couch, while I explained Julian about the sacrifice, avoiding the scratch thing. I ran my fingers on my neck, as a sharp pain traveled fast through my weak body.

    《Are you okay?》Julian sweetly asked. I nodded and reached for the other couch.

        He reached for my hand and asked me to remove the scarf. I shook my head no, sweating.《Please, you need some air》

    《I'm okay》I faked a smile, my vision getting blurry.

        He quickly grabbed the scarf and pulled it, I gasped and covered my neck with my hand. In that exact moment, Magnus and Alec walked in.

    《What's that?》Julian asked, everyone snapped their heads at me. I froze and glanced helplessly at Magnus.

    《Rach?》Alec's deep voice asked as well, walking slowly towards me. I swallowed, tears stinging in my eyes.

    《Alexander》Magnus tried to stop him by grabbing his arm, the Shadowhunter pulled away.

    《Rachél》Alec continued. I sighed.《Rach, what's that?》

    《Nothing really. Magnus, tell them it's nothing》I shook.

    《Is it a Werewolf scratch?!》Isabelle panicked.

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