》Chapter 29 ➹ family and party

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    《So you're saying that if Rachél kills the Master of Hybrids something unknown will happen to her??》Isabelle panicked.

    《I was willing to sacrifice my own life》Lucifer calmly stated,《But she somehow activated the Sword. There's no turning back, the one who wakes the power will have to break it》

    《So I have to kill an Angel? Like, a real Angel? I will never make it alive. There will be a huge battle between people who will want me dead》my whole body shivered at the sound of my own words.《Well, if I don't die during this battle, obviously

    《Don't even say that》it was Alec. A flash of anger crossed his face as he spoke.

    《Sorry》I apologized shyly, my sight steady on my black boots.

    《We're back to the wish to die, I see》Lucifer sighed in my direction.

    《I said I'm sorry!》I snapped,《Go ahead》

    《I'm sorry to interrupt the meeting so abruptly but-》some random Shadowhunter girl suddenly spoke as she cracked the door open. We all snapped our eyes on her and waited for her to finish her sentence.

    《Go ahead, sweetheart》Magnus encouraged.

    《Y-yeah, well, Rachél Jackson.》she continued, I arched my eyebrow at the stranger girl,《Your family's here

    《My what?!》


        Fortunately, Magnus had managed to entertain my family members while I basically ran out of concealer for covering up my neck rune.

        I grabbed a purple-ish hoodie and wore it, hiding all the remaining runes on my arms. I then grabbed a nude bandaid and carefully placed it on the werewolf scratch. I flipped my hair on my shoulders, covering any sign of it completely.

        When I stepped in the control room, my grandma was the first to speak.《Sweetheart! After your call last night I planned this visit. You sounded so sad, I thought you might need some homemade fries. I brought some for your friends too》

    《I really did need- y-your fries, grandma》my voice shook as I hugged her the tighter I could, a tear escaped my eye.

        I moved to my grandpa and hugged him too. I did the same for my mother, father, and brother.

    《When will you be back home?》my grandpa asked with a tone so sad it broke my heart.

    《She's one of the best students, but still has a lot to learn》Julian spoke from behind me, squeezing my shoulder sweetly in reassurance.

    《Rayray, your friend sounds like a gentleman》my grandma smiled proudly. Cold shivers caused my whole body to freeze at the nickname I was known as when I was little.

    《Homemade fries? Rachél has talked about your food uncountable times, Mrs. I would love to try some》Mark chimed in from beside Julian.

    《There you go again, his Seelie half showing as ever》I mouthed with a soft chuckle, Julian smirked.

    《Oh, another gentleman!》my grandma was more than excited as she carefully placed a bag full of homemade food, entirely cooked by her, on one of the tables.


    《What was that?》Alec chimed in my room as Jules, Emma, Mark, Izzy, and I, had our mouths full of my grandma's homemade food.

    《This food is delicious you should try some!》Izzy spoke with her mouth full, we laughed.

    《You called your family??》Alec ignored his sister, his eyebrows knitted together.

    《I did》I admitted honestly, my gaze finally meeting his.

    《Okay, we'll leave you two alone. But we're bringing our food with us》Izzy grinned widely as our friends stood up and left my room.

        Alec strongly crossed his arms against his fine chest and looked down at me impatiently.

        I sat on the feet of my bed and looked down to my lap.《I'm scared, Alec》I breathed out,《Genuinely scared》

        I heard him gulp, so I slowly laid my eyes on him. He nervously ran his fingers in his hair and walked towards my desk. He grabbed the chair, placed it in front of me, and climbed it on the reverse, his arms locked around the back of it.

    《It will be okay, we- we'll be fine. Everything will turn out good》he started with the sweetest low tone.

    《I really appreciate the pep talk, but-》

    《I know. I can't be sure. And it's frustrating. This whole story is killing me!》he breathed heavily.

        I bit my bottom lip and slowly caressed his hair. At the touch, he closed his eyes and his face and muscles softened. I went for a hug, and he instantly returned it, wrapping his long warm arms around me.

    《Whatever happens-》I pulled away softly.

    《Please don't》he cut me off, his voice cracking.

    《Whatever happens..》I repeated,《I feel grateful, and I always will. You guys mean the world to me, all of you》

    《Biscuit..》a voice spoke from my door. Alec and I immediately looked up, Magnus.

    《Come here, Mag. Be our guest》I weakly smiled.

    《We have to expect the unexpected, cupcake》he spoke again as he sat next to me on my bed, his long legs locked together.

    《Yeah. What's the least that could happen? I lose my powers?》I tried to keep a steady voice. Magnus looked away.

    《The worst that could happen is losing one of you guys. So, the rest will be acceptable. Please, be extra careful》I begged the last part.

    《The operation will take place in the morning. 8am, to be precise》Magnus informed, he squeezed my hands and gave me a small reassuring smile.

    《Okay》I breathed heavily, resting my hand on my chest as to stop my heart from beating so fast.

    《I'll throw a party tonight, biscuit》Magnus blurted out. Alec and I turned to him in shock. A what?? A party??

    《Last night of relax》he added, as it was the most obvious thing in the world.

    《I don't feel relaxed at all》Alec snapped. I smiled at his comment.

    《You will》Magnus threw us one of his most famous smirks,《Both of you》

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