》Chapter 9 ➹ the truth

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    《Rachél, wait!》a voice yelled as I was about to leave the place.

    《Jev? Why are you still here?》

    《You really thought I would leave without you?》he raised his eyebrows offended.

    《I don't know what to think about you anymore》I admitted with tears stinging in my eyes.

        I walked away, leaving him aside. It took him two minutes to reach me, and ─ when he did ─ he grabbed my arm gently and pulled me to him. I faced him with teary eyes, trying not to show too much emotion.

    《Look at me》he whispered in a deep tone. I shook my head and looked down at my feet.

        His fingers traveled on my chin, raising it up so I could face him.《I'm aware I have been quite an arrogant》

    《Arrogant? Quite?》I weakly whined.

    《Okay. A jerk. Better?》I nodded,《I have been a complete jerk, I owe you that. I thought I had no choice. I thought I had to leave you in order for you to be safe》

    《Why would you even think that》

    《You're not at risk when you're not with me. You're safer with that Shadowhunter guy. He cares a lot about you》he frowned.

    《He does. And you used to too》

    《I still do, Angel. I promise I still do》he looked sincerely hurt.

        The black haired guy walked me to his black Jeep Commander, begging me to let him drive me to Magnus. We stayed silent for the whole ride back to Brooklyn. We crossed the last intersection by noon, as I finally spotted Magnus' building.

    《Lucifer ─ did he tell you about our pact?》Patch broke the ice.


    《Strange》he thoughtfully mouthed.


        I got off the car as he stopped the engine. Unexpectedly, he followed me out of his Jeep. I studied him in confusion, he furrowed his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the staircase, up to Magnus' floor. I knocked on his door and waited for him to receive us.

        The one who opened the door ─ though ─ wasn't the Warlock. Alec stared at me and quickly rushed into my arms. He lifted me up, so I held him the tighter I could. I'm sorry, we whispered in each other's ears at the same time. His wide grin fell right when he spotted Patch.

    《What is he doing here》he scoffed.

    《Jev, would you join us?》Magnus interrupted us.

        Alec threw a dead glance in disapproval at the Warlock. He looked both shocked and hurt. I had to caress his arm and reassure him.

    《It's okay, Alec. I have a lot to inform you about》I weakly smiled, he nodded with his eyes still stuck on Jev.

    《I met up with Lucifer himself》I broke the tension. Alec and Magnus snapped their eyes on me.

    《It had to happen ─ just ─ I didn't think it would happen quite soon》Magnus messaged his chin.

    《Lucifer?? As in the Devil?? The king of Hell??》Alec freaked out.

        Magnus moved his eyes from the black haired Shadowhunter to me. I knew his sight meant didn't you tell him? I shook my head and looked down.

    《What is going on??》Alec added nervously.

    《I will tell you. I just ─ what if you hate me?》

    《What?! I could never hate you. What are you talking about?!》

    《You need to talk this out, we'll leave you alone》Magnus smiled, nodding to Jev, as they both left.


    《What do you have to talk me about?》Alec asked and furrowed his eyebrows.

        I gestured him to sit on the couch and I sat down next to him. I took a deep breath and gazed up into his sparkly bright eyes.

    《I ─ When I was just born, I stopped breathing》I quietly started, he raised his eyebrow in confusion.《Apparently, Lucifer went after me and poured some drops of his blood into my mouth. So I could live》

        He stayed silent and eventually asked are you sure? I nodded.

    《So ─ You have angelic blood in you》he frowned.

    《In the beginning, I thought it was Demon blood. But ─ apparently ─ Lucifer's blood is angelic》

    《For how long have you known this?》he looked sad.

    《A while》I frowned with teary eyes.

    《Did Magnus know about this? Who else knows?》

    《Yes he did. You're the second one I informed about this》

    《Does Jev know?》his tone sour and judgemental.

    《He knew before I did. He was a Fallen Angel》

    《I don't hate you》he sadly smiled as he quickly wrapped his arms around me.

    《You'll always be my grumpy Alec》I smiled against his neck as tears poured down my eyes like heavy rain.

    《I'm not grumpy》I could feel him roll his teary eyes and scoff, with a small soft chuckle.

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