》Chapter 37➹ the curse

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    "So what is the curse??" Alec nervously asked as I reopened my eyes and spaced out.

    "Can I exchange words with you and your brother?" Saturn asked with a odd look, he looked almost confused.

    I ignored the Shadowhunter's question and followed the Oracle in his tent. I immediately slid on the terrain and desperately ran my fingers on my face.

    "What's wrong?? Are you okay?" Brendon sweetly asked as he sat down and wrapped his arms around my shaking body.

    "I am sincerely sorry" Saturn spoke. -- "Killing an ancient Angel, whether it's good or bad, as its awful consequences"

    "Could you please lie to them? They don't necessarily have to know, do they?"

    Saturn looked at me dead in the eyes and softly nodded. Thank goodness. -- "Though you will need all the help and support possible"

    "Yeah, I'm good" I nervously said way too quickly.

    "I will look after her, and maybe you can tell Mark, Jules, and Emma?" Brendon assured me. I gave him a soft nod, as he helped me stand back on my feet.

    "So what do we tell them?"


    "The curse is.. she will not be able to fully recover after a fight. It will take her additional time, that's all" Saturn made up in front of Magnus and Alec with a straight dead serious face.

    "That's -- That's all?" Alec grinned relieved. -- "Wow, I'm -- wow!"

    "Never heard about such curse before" Magnus studied me closely. I fortunately managed to keep a straight face and not give away any sign of lie.

    "Neither did I. I guess times have changed" Saturn added. What an actor.


    Right when we stepped into the New York Institute, all my friends ran towards us to know about the curse. My heart shrink at the fact that I had to lie to most of them. Alec happily spread the info and everyone looked so happy and relieved. Everyone but Magnus and Lucifer. Of course I had to tell Lucifer.

    I reached my room and only called him, Mark, Julian, and Brendon. I used the I'm tired excuse and I was ready to tell them the truth. Maybe not really ready.

    "So what's this secret reunion we're having? What's it about?" Julian chuckled. But, boy, how he was right.

   "You can start by telling us what the real curse is, will you?" Mark crossed his arms against his fine chest.

    "What are you talking about? The curse is-" Julian innocently asked right before I had to interrupt him.

    "Actually, Jules, Mark is right" I sighed, causing the brown-haired Shadowhunter to snap his eyes on me confused.

    "What are you talking about?"

    "Let's just tell us what the real curse is" Lucifer smirked proudly, like he had always known it was a lie. -- "Magnus asked me how is it possible to just not being able to heal properly after killing an Angel" he laughed. "Do you think he will not notice?"

    "The curse is constant nightmares whenever I close my eyes. About my feelings mostly. I, um, have witnessed it already. It's so awful, my heart just feels-"

    "Ripped out? That, my daughter, is the point" Lucifer sighed with a frown. -- "You will have to be constantly checked on"

    "There's no need. They will notice if you guys take turns to check on me while I sleep"

    "There is, actually. Your feelings will consume you and you could most likely die" he answered with a harsh tone.

    "Die??" Julian's face went pale and Mark's frown fell. -- "Oh my Angel. I cannot imagine how hard that must me"

    "Agreed. You can't even survive your feelings when you're awake and in control of your mind" Mark stated. And the hell he was right. I was so screwed.

    The door opened abruptly, showing Magnus and Alec staring at us. The Warlock exchanged puzzled looks with Lucifer, while the black-haired Shadowhunter just stared at us.

    "What is going on? Why didn't you tell me about a meeting?" he freaked out.

    "It's not a meeting, Lightwood. Calm down" Mark sighed annoyed. -- "We were discussing things"

    "If it's about the new mission, you better not go" Alec spoke in a authoritative tone in my direction, his strong demanding sight stuck on me.

    "I will just stay here, thanks Alec" I faked a smile, but he didn't seem to notice anyway. Or, at least, that's what I thought.


    At the end of the day, everyone was calm and happy. Everyone but me. In fact, I started shaking and feeling anxious when bedtime inevitably arrived. A soft knock on the door brought me back to reality. Probably Jules, ready for his first turn in checking me. Awful.

    When I opened the door, I almost choked on my saliva to see it was Alec. He studied me for a brief second before asking me if he could walk in. I knew how he could sense when I was scared, and maybe that's why he showed up that late at night. Actually, I was the one who created a connection with him in the first place. Very good idea. Great job, dumbie.

    "You know I can sense when you're not okay, right?" he eventually stated.

    "Yeah" I sighed and looked down. I didn't want to lie straight to his face. How could I lie to him by looking into his pure eyes?

    "You probably also know I'm not stupid" he added, "But I respect your decision of keeping whatever secret from me. Must be very personal"

    "Alec" I sighed.

    "That's okay. Really. At least I'm not your parabatai, you would feel much worse about keeping things from me"

    "Alec" I demanded, "Stop"

    "I'm in my room if you need me, for whatever reason. Okay?" his tone eventually softened as he unexpectedly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest. -- "There's no way you can keep me out of your life, you know that?"

    "I pretty much do, yeah" my lips unwillingly curved up in a glimpse of smile. If only he knew how much that statement was actually true.

    "Don't be afraid to wake me up at whatever time at night. Give me a call and I will be right here"

    "I got it, Lightwood, go to sleep" I softly laughed.

    "Goodnight, shorty"

    "Who's ready to--" the door cracked open, revealing a confused Julian.

    "Who's ready to what?" Alec asked.

    "To sleep obviously" he managed to save the day. -- "I forgot my hoodie somewhere here earlier"

    "Okay, well, see you guys tomorrow"

    Alec left the room unsure, leaving me and Julian both shocked and giggly at the same time. -- "I almost had a heart attack, what even" he laughed.

    "He suspects everything, it's so tiring" I rolled my eyes, finding myself smiling widely at the thought of Alec.

    Wait what? No.

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