》Chapter 11 ➹ Alec Lightwood

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        I stepped in Alec's room and smiled at the clumsy Shadowhunter trying to look for an outfit. His eyes met mine right away, causing him to smile widely.

    《It's just dinner, why are you so concerned about what to wear?》I asked. He signaled me to sit on his bed, so I jumped on it.

    《I don't know, I don't want anyone to think that I don't care about my appearance》he bit his bottom lip, grabbing a white formal shirt.

    《Nobody thinks that》I chuckled,《Is Magnus going to join us?》

    《No, he's ─ he had to be somewhere I can't recall. Warlock duties》he smiled through his mirror.

    《Well, you're lucky. Isabelle wants me and Emma to wear one of her dresses. And either of us exactly likes that type》

        Alec laughed and made a swing. I studied his outfit. The white shirt pressed tightly on his formed chest, I blushed so hard I had to look away.

    《So? Ugly?》he asked impatiently.

    《No》my voice cracked,《Try the denim one?》

        He nodded and unbuttoned the white shirt slowly, glaring at his own reflection in the mirror. He grabbed a denim casual shirt and wore it. The effect it had on his body was exactly the same. He could probably wear anything and still look good.

    《This one? Better?》

        I found the strength to get up and walked by him. I fixed the collar and unbuttoned the first button. He gazed down into my eyes with a very odd amused look. I felt my cheeks burning, so I quickly looked down.

    《Alec, Rach ─ Oh!》Emma opened the door abruptly and stared at us. I quickly stepped back and blushed again.

    《I ─ It should go》I said, my voice shaking.

        Emma moved his sight from Alec to me and back. She warmly smiled and agreed on the outfit. She then glared back at me with a smirk, I felt my legs going numb.

    《I ─ we better go get ready》I broke the silence.

    《Meet me in your room?》asked Emma.


        The Institute was very much like those ancient royal houses. There were runes on the floor tiles, and red carpets almost everywhere. I walked the long corridor from Alec's room to mine, where Emma would meet me.

        I knew what she wanted to chat about, but I didn't want to. I only wanted to get dressed and have that damn dinner in peace. Not gonna happen, I knew that.

        As expected, Emma was laying on my bed with her phone in her hands. She raised her head up and smirked right when she noticed me.

    《Please don't》I begged and sighed.

    《Please don't what?》another voice asked.

    《Talk about that thing?》Emma teased.

    《What thing?》Mark raised an eyebrow.

    《Nothing》I demanded, my arms crossed.

        We got dressed and walked downstairs in the living room. Alec and Isabelle frowned as we stepped in, my heart dropped.

    《What's wrong?》I asked with a trembling voice.

    《We found Jace》Isabelle informed.

    《I'm sorry, isn't it a good new?》Mark said confused.

    《They want to exchange him for Rachél》Alec added firmly.

        I grabbed a chair and pulled it, waiting for the bad news to fill me. I sat down with head in my hands. Why did it all have to be so complicated?! Emma softly wrapped her arm around my neck, speaking words of comfort I couldn't hear. I couldn't focus. I had to solve the problem.

    《They want me. I will help them in exchange for Jace》I eventually spoke, breaking the confused chatter sound.

        Everyone snapped their eyes on me. Alec threw me a look of disapproval and rushed by my side. He sweetly kneeled down so he could face me, and held my hands together.

    《I won't allow it》he said in a raspy voice.

    《It's the only way, they want me》I cried.

        He wiped my tears away with his thumbs and sighed.《We will find a way. I will ask Magnus》


    《Stop. I said we will find a way》

        I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him the tighter I could, he did the same. I blew a kiss against his hair and moved my sight on the other part of the room. Mark and Julian were animatedly talking about a plan, while Emma and Isabelle were whispering in each other's ears.

        Emma glared at me with a smirk of pleasure, exchanged by Isabelle right away. Alec blew a sweet short kiss against my hair as well, causing me to close my eyes and fully live the moment.

    《Do you two need a room or..?》Isabelle interrupted with a wide grin. I stared at her in disbelief, Alec blushed and threw her a death glance.

    《Sorry》Emma mouthed with a glimpse of a chuckle from behind her.

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