》Chapter 24 ➹ Mark, you dumbass!

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        A dozen of demons jumped on us from the interior of the roof. Mark and I ran upstairs and met up with Julian, Emma, and Isabelle. We grabbed our weapons and started fighting.

        After a couple of minutes, the number of demons had multiplied. There were too much, even for us. I stabbed two of them simultaneously, with a swing, helping Izzy. Her whip wasn't enough, Cortana wasn't enough. Our weapons were useless.

    《Use Seraph Blades!》Julian yelled from the other part of the church.

        I grabbed my two Seraph Blades from my combat belt and threw one to Isabelle. Emma flew on the ground, hit by a strong huge demon. I threw her my other blade and went for the shining sword of earlier. The Angels Sword.

        At the touch, the rush of adrenaline filled me up again, giving me more strength. I held the swear above my head, causing all the demons to shrink and fall on the ground.

    《Couldn't you try that earlier??》Mark asked with heavy breaths.

    《Let's get back to the Institute》Julian demanded.


        Julian and the girls got on the van and drove back to the Institute, while Mark and I walked into the wild for a while.

    《I'm aware you don't wish to talk, but-》Mark eventually spoke on the piercing silence.

    《You can ask me whatever you want, Blackthorn》I smiled at him.

        We stopped by a lake and lay down on the bright green grass. I breathed in, filling my lungs with fresh air and wonderful nature smells.

   《You love Jev?》the half Seelie asked with a smirk, I laughed.

    《I'm not sure. Probably not. I mean, it was a hell of a kiss but-》I explained, he laughed loudly.

    《What about Alec?》

    《If I love him?》

    《No》he chuckled,《What happened? What was all that shouting for?》

    《Oh, that》I smiled,《He slept in my bed last night》

    《I know but why attack each other?》he grinned.

    《You knew- how?》

    《He asked for my permission, sort of》Mark smirked.

       I quickly sat up and stared down at him. His blond curls layed softly on his pointy ears as he slowly sat up too. He crossed his arms and placed his back on a tree.

    《What did you just say??》I panicked.

    《You heard me》he smirked.《He woke me up at two in the morning and apologized to me for our argument. He then asked if it was inappropriate to cuddle you, and I told him it wasn't》

    《Really, Mark?!》

    《He didn't do that for the reason he told Isabelle. He did because he felt like to》he rolled his eyes,《He was feeling so embarrassed this morning, so he came to me and asked me what he could say to Izzy and I came up with the worst idea apparently》

    《Are you nuts??!》I completely stood up.《I literally yelled at his face and called him an asshole! Mark, what the hell! You're the worst parabatai candidate ever》

    《But I'm your number one choice》he grinned,《You should go to him》

    《He probably hates me now. By the Angel, Mark, what's wrong with you》I sighed desperately.

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