》Chapter 36 ➹ show me

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    Before Alec could answer my question, Isabelle cracked the door open. Thank goodness. She threw a quick glance at her brother and then lay her eyes on me with an odd look on her face.

    "Rach, your date is here" she stated proudly. My what?

    "Her what?" Alec furrowed his eyebrows confused.

    "I set up a date for her, no big deal" the black-haired girl shrugged. -- "Are you ready to go?"

    "To go where? Wait, what-"

    "A date? Why?" Alec stood up and crossed his arms.

    "Relax, brother. Magnus is here too"


    I stood up and followed the girl in her room silently. Obviously, she had a whole wardrobe ready on her bed for me to pick up. I sighed loudly and dropped my tired body next to a black formal dress.

    "What were you doing with Alec?" she asked nonchalantly, but I knew from her tone that there was much more behind the question.

    "Actually, I was with Brendon in the first place" I sat up and looked at her as she nervously played with her jewelry. -- "Alec just joined us after. He keeps saying how I'm walking away from him and all"

    "Yeah, well, maybe you should"

    "I should what?" I sucked in a breath scared. What was she saying? -- "Izzy?"

    "I'm just saying that Magnus is like a brother to you, and you should grow over the crush you have on my brother" she spoke quietly with her back facing me.

    "Like I don't know" I spat, hurt. -- "You think I like this situation? I'm hating myself for this, Izzy. Every damn day. It's not like I chose it, you know"

    "I'm sorry" she finally turned to me and walked closer, until she sat on her bed next to me and started twirling her fingers in my hair. -- "I love you, you deserve to be happy. That's why I want you to go on this date tonight. Okay? For me?"

    "Okay, I can do that" I sighed and curled up in her arms. -- "I love you, too"


    Alec was sitting on my bed when I opened my eyes. He gently caressed my cheek, causing me to tense up at the touch. I widened my eyes and quickly sat up, staring at the tall Shadowhunter.

    "Alec what the heck are you doing? What time is it?"

    "3am" he stated simply. -- "I needed to talk to you"

    "You needed to talk to me at 3am? Really?"

    "I can't sleep, I need you to know"

    "You need me to know what?" I sighed exhausted as he unexpectedly moved closer and leaned in.

    I heard my stomach growl right away, hot air blew violently on my face. My cheeks got warmer every inch Alec moved closer. My brain shut down completely as he stopped a few inches away from my lips.

    "Kiss me. I know that's what you want"


    I cracked my eyes open and sat up way too quick, blood pumping in my brain in a very unnatural way. My heart beating as fast as I had ever experienced.

    "That looked like a very intense sleep experience you had" a voice spoke from beside me.

    "Mag?" I breathed out nervously.

    "Nightmares, cupcake?"

    "My Angel, what time is it?" I massaged my sweaty forehead nervously. Alec's scent somehow still in the air.

    "5am. How was the date?" the Warlock smirked. I moved my eyes to him and stared. How could he possibly be so full of energies at 5am? Always so gorgeous and flawless? No wonder why Alec loved him.

    "Mh, nice. He's a basketball player who doesn't believe in ghosts, magic, and demons. My type, uh?"

    Magnus laughed and tilt his head to the side. He was somehow interested in mundanes stories, I remember he once told me that mundanes are the best entertainment for when life gets boring. Honestly same. -- "Today is the day, young girl"

    "Is it my birthday?"

    "No" he laughed again, "We will meet the Oracle, Saturn"

    "Oh. Really? Today?" I sighed exhausted and dropped my body back on my bed. I didn't even get a good night of sleep, how could I possibly be prepared to meet Oracle Saturn.


    The mountains were in a very unknown location, even for every map. I followed Maalik and Brendon closely, stepping aside from Alec and Magnus. I hadn't found the courage to talk about my dream to anyone, especially not Izzy. Mark was a good candidate, maybe Emma too.

    A freezing wind blew through our skin as we reached the top of the main mountain, the tallest. Brendon took my hand and carried me in the middle of a circle draw in the grass, the spot designed for the ritual.

    "The ones with Lucifer's blood are chosen for this aim. If you're not Renegades, you will die" a voice echoed from who knows where.

    Brendon and I locked eyes for a brief second before kneeling down on the grass. A tall man with blue-ish hair, and Indian-likely symbols on his face, showed up out of nowhere. He placed his fingers in the red ink first and drew a line on my left cheek, right before drawing a blue line on the opposite side, my right cheek.

    "Xaphan Jackson, do you wish to know about your curse?" Saturn basically yelled. That's the point, that's why I'm here.

    "Yes, sir, I do" I answered instead.

    "Give me your hand and I will show you"

    I did as demanded and closed my eyes. My mind shut down for a brief second before showing me loads of images of both Alec and Magnus. The Hybrids court, the battle, me sacrificing my life for Mag. It was almost like watching a movie that had me as a protagonist, awful really. Then suddenly it all stopped. Nothing, blackness, emptiness.

    Everything and everyone around me was gone, except for a lava waterfall. I gulped and stepped in that direction, and that's when I saw it. The curse. And that's when I knew I was screwed.

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