》Chapter 32 ➹ the final fight

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        A strong cold wind pushed us back right when we got out the basement and walked towards the Hybrids court entrance, causing all of us to trip and fall on our own feet. Freezing rain was now pouring down on us violently.

        It was a matter of seconds before Julian screamed in pain and dropped his body on the wet ground. Alec, Jace, and I stared at him with wide eyes. I instantly ran to him and kneeled down.

    《Jules.. Julian, what's wrong??》I shook him alarmed. He moved his dull wide eyes on me.

    《Parabatai rune》Jace sighed.

    《Emma》Julian let out in a whisper as he tightened the grip on my arm.

        We rushed to the rest of us nervously, under the freezing cold rain. I can't recall for how long we ran in the court direction, but, when we finally reached our team, Emma was in Mark's arms badly injured. Julian rushed to her side and picked her up in bridal style. Magnus opened a portal and asked us to follow him to his loft, so we did.


        We lay Emma down on one of the old-styled burgundy couches, while Magnus prepared some magic fluid for her to drink.

    《Alexander, Jace, and Mark》Magnus called in a authority tone, holding a paper in his shaking hands.《Go to the Institute and get me these things from the infermary》

    《But, Magnus-》Alec tried to persuade him before he got interrupted.

    《We don't have much time, hurry!》

    《Mag》I quietly called, as I was helping him with mixing the ingredients in a small wooden bowl.

        He glanced up at me with a miserable look. I breathed out and spoke again.《I have to do this tonight, you know it》

    《I do know, biscuit!》he nervously threw his hands up in the air.《I won't let you go alone》

    《I have the Sword. Lucifer will meet me there, it will be fine》I spoke unsure, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

    《Listen up, young lady.》he sighed.《I decided to take you under my wings the very first day I have seen you. If some bad thing would happen to you, I wouldn't forgive myself

    《I really don't want that》I frowned,《But if I don't go now.. the Master of Hybrids will kill us all. If something happens to me it's my fault only. And it will be okay, because all of you will be safe》

    《Rachél..》he sighed exhausted.

    《I love you, Magnus. I really do. You mean the world to me, and I will never do anything that could make you feet guilty. This is my choice, my duty》

    《I love you too, biscuit》he immediately wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me into a tight warm hug.《Please be careful. For me, for Alec, for yourself


        Right after I jumped through the purple sparkly portal at Magnus' loft, I found myself on the stairway to Heaven of Hybrids court. I looked around and carefully grabbed the Angels Sword.

        A rush of adrenaline filled my shaking body, and I suddenly felt different. Stronger. I saw demons running towards my direction, so I quickly brushed off every negative thought and jumped off the staircase with a black-flip.

        I killed a bunch of trained demons with just brushing the Sword next to them close enough. They filled the room one more time, surrounding me completely. I was so screwed.


    《XAPHAN JACKSON, DAUGHTER OF THE REBEL》a strong voice suddenly chimed in from behind me.

        I gulped and watched the demons in shock, as they burnt up at the only sight of their Master and filled up the room in agony growls.

        I slowly turned around, the Sword tight in my shaking sweaty hands. The Master of Hybrids had a wide smirk plastered on his Angelic face. His wings were barely visible, dark, still burnt to ashes.

    《I have been waiting for you, you're right on time》he evilly smiled.

    《Well, I'm here now》I tried to sound as confident as possible.

    《Go ahead. Kill me. Be my guest》he laughed.《I'm very curious about the curse

    《You're boring.. You know how to fight or..?》

        He suddenly rushed towards me with a giant sparkly Sword full of golden wings. I fortunately reacted in time, saving my right arm from being cut off. That was close! The empty white hall was now only filled with the sound of swords crushing against each other.

        I was sweating, swinging with him and our swords animatedly. He caught me off guard for just a second, scraped my upper left arm and threw me to the other part of the room. I violently bumped my back against the hard wall and screamed in pain.

    《Look at your eyes, Satan's child》the Master smirked in pleasure.《Fire eyes. Fire. Where you will burn for eternity

        I was mad, hurt, broken. I just wanted all that to end soon. We went hand on hand, and I used every little trick Alec, Julian, and Izzy had taught me through the years. It was working, kinda.

        I broke his left arm by crawling from under his legs and pulling it down with all the strenght I had. He screamed in pain and threw me against the wall again.

        I was hurting more than I expected I would, all of my bones being highly sore. For a brief second, I thought about my friends. They would've so killed me after that night. I smiled at the thought of them and slowly got up.

    《You never give up, uh?》the Angel teased in a smirk.《I'm sorry I will have to kill your so beloved friends. No, wait, I'm NOT sorry. Your Warlock friend had to die that day with the holy arrow, I wanted him to die right on front of y-

        Before he could say another word, I slid to the Sword, grabbed it fiercely, and rushed beside him. I used all the strenght I had left to stab him right into his chest.

        His lament was awful as he screamed. A bright blinding light came out of his chest at the touch of the Sword. He burnt up right in front of my eyes, and, in that exact moment, a purple sparkly portal opened in the middle of the room.


        I dropped the Sword, which sound echoed loudly at the impact with the white tiles. My hands were shaking, and I couldn't remember when I started to cry. I felt immediately dizzy and nauseous, my legs going numb.

        I gave up. I didn't have any more strenght in my body to even stand up anymore. My legs stumbled, and I waited for the impact that never came.

        Warm long familiar arms stopped me mid-air and slowly accompanied me down to the ground. I sobbed in his arms as he kneeled down and wrapped his arms around me as tight as he could.

    《It's okay. I'm here now, it's okay》Alec's soothing soft whisper managed to calm me down a little bit.

        Magnus was the next one to appear from the magic portal and rushed down to me. He wrapped his arms around both me and Alec and held us tight, blowing a sweet kiss on my head.

    《What is the curse?》were the only words to leave my mouth. They both looked clueless and shrugged their shoulders.

    《Don't worry about it now》Alec whispered.

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