》Chapter 5 ➹ kicked out

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    《Okay, now we sit down and have a talk》Alec demanded.

        I studied the Fallen Angels as they moved closer to Magnus and then left the Institute. They informed us they would've came back in three-four days for having their book back. Which was kinda unusual. Why would they want a book they can't read anyway?

    《I have found a book, the morning after the attack. It's written in a very ancient language that apparently no one can read》

    《And they want it back?》

    《I-- No, they want me to read it for them》

    《Read it? I'm confused, didn't you just say--》

    《Fallen Angels?! Really?! This Institute is dying from the inside. I have spoken just now to the Clave, and they approved my changes. So, from now on, you will be staying at another place》Gale said with a very severe tone.

    《This is our Institute! You can't do that!》Alec yelled.

    《I already did, Mr Lightwood》

        I grabbed and blocked Alec's arm before he could attack the woman. He madly sighed, frustrated, and left the room in a hurry, throwing in the air everything he walked into.

        I explained the situation to Isabelle, who was as shook as her older brother. However, we decided we would've stayed at Magnus', whilst Robert and Maryse Lightwood would've left Idris.

        I rushed to my house for my latin-english dictionary, so that I could work on that Angel's book and eventually find Jace. I jogged through the narrow grass pathways in the kids' playground park and bumped into someone.

        I sighed and looked up slowly. His greenish-gold eyes sparkled at the contact with sun-rays. His blond curly hair was softly laying on his pointy ears. He moved his hand to me to hold so he helped me get up on my feet.

    《What is my favorite Seelie doing here?》I grinned widely.

    《Los Angeles is no longer amusing》he smiled,《And I may have heard that my favorite Shadowhunters are now homeless》

    《Don't even mention it, it's so unfair》I whined.

    《How are you doing with the translation of the Angeli Secretum?》

    《Wow, news do fly》

    《Expecially in the Seelie Court. The Queen has ears and eyes everywhere》

    《Yeah, that's creepy》

    《I missed you》he grinned happily, as he held me into a very warm and assuring hug.


    《Angel's blood thy may--

    《It's a useless dilemma》Magnus scoffed,《I need a drink》

    《So this is where you're staying?》the blond Seelie asked.

    《We don't have other options, Mark》Alec pointed out.

    《And if we had, this one would be the best one anyway.. Right, Alec?》Isabelle teased with a wink.

        I chuckled.《Leave the boy alone》

        The Fallen holds the secret in his heart. Only the Fallen can open the gates to Hell, and Hell only. No Fallen is allowed to walk in Heaven again. And it made any sense, to any of us.

        My eyes went wide when my phone started buzzing, telling me Jace was calling. I instantly stood up and answered the call, mouthing It's Jace to Mark.

    《Rach, you need to find-- please tell me-- Jev, he knows what--

    《Jace?! Jace, I can't hear you!》

    《The Clave and the Angels--

    《JACE!》I yelled, exhausted,《He hung up》

    《What did he say?!》Alec panicked,《Magnus, can you find him?》

    《I'm not FBI》Magnus raised an eyebrow,《Localization works with objects owned by the disappeared person. You Shadowhunters should know that》

    《We do, we're just worried》Isabelle sighed.

        A loud noise from outside the double front door made all of us jump. We all exchanged looks and waited for Magnus to open the door.

    《Another guest, right on time for the party》Magnus rolled his eyes as he let the boy.

    《They're after me! They somehow know--》the guys stopped and stared at me.

    《Jev?!》I gasped.

    《I could pour myself another drink》Magnus spoke,《Alexander, will you join me?》

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