》Chapter 25 ➹ is that what you wanted?

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        I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted to the sun-rays light. I gave a quick glance all around and didn't recognize a thing. It took me a minute before the memories of the night before filled me up. I was in Alec's room.

        I slid my hand but Alec wasn't in the bed. I rolled over just to see an empty spot. Great, he left me in his bed. Very nice played, Lightwood.

    《Hey, you're awake》a deep voice eventually spoke. I raised my head and glanced at the other part of the room.

    《S-Sorry, I'll be leaving right now》I stuttered as I pushed the covers with my bare feet.

    《I don't think so》he smirked as he jumped on the bed and locked my hands on the mattress with his.

    《Alec what the hell are you doing?》I laughed, as he started tickling me.

    《I talked to Izzy, we have a day off today》he smiled sheepishly.

    《What are you talking about, I have to go on a mission for the sword-》

    《You can save the world any other day》he joked, I rolled my eyes.

    《So what? What am I supposed to do? Stay in bed all day? You know I can't do that, it's-》

    《Obviously not》he laughed,《I want you to take me somewhere. I want to try that mundane food you seem to love so much》

    《McDonald's?》I raised an eyebrow with a grin.

    《Yeah, that one》he grinned back.

    《Who are you and what did you do to Alec Lightwood?!》I joked with a dramatic gasp, as I stood on his bed and started jumping on it.

    《I'm just curious, that's all》he shyly smiled.

    《McDonald's it is! Get ready, Lightwood!》


        One thing I was happy about, was having to go out without the training suit. But, on the other hand, I was a little nervous about leaving without weapons and all.

        I took a quick shower and picked up some fresh clothes. I went for a white t-shirt and a pair of dark jeans. I blow-dried my hair a little, and checked if I had any money.

    《Rachél?》I heard Isabelle call. I opened the door and let her in.

    《Okay, what did you do to my brother?》she grinned widely.

    《What- Why?》I raised my eyebrow.

    《He asked for a day off. I mean, how?? I tried to get him a day off for years. Tell me your secret, I'm gonna use it for sure!》

    《Actually, I didn't want the day off. He kinda forced me into this》I nervously chuckled.

    《You're joking》she stared at me with a dead serious expression.

    《I'm not, I promise. He also asked me to bring him to this- mundane place》I whispered the last part.

    《WHAT?!》she basically yelled in a mix of excitement and shock.

    《You ready, shorty??》Alec's voice echoed in the corridor.

    《Shorty??》Izzy and I both repeated in confusion and furrowed eyebrows.


        The tall dark haired Shadowhunter and I walked into the city. I threw him some glances every now and then, making sure he wasn't struggling too much by not having a glamour.

        The huge yellow M was soon close, so we entered the fast food. I filled Alec up about the Menu and its choices. He looked so out of place it was so cute. Eventually, we ordered quite soon and sat around a table in a corner.

    《So, Magnus wants us to stop by his loft for a drink later. If that's okay with you》Alec spoke first.

    《Yeah. Well, I don't drink but it'd be nice to see him》I smiled sheepishly.

        Our orders came only five minutes later, literally a miracle. Two peppery burgers for me, a cheeseburger and a burger for Alec, and fries for both.

        I took a bite of my burger and breathed out in pleasure. It tasted so good! Alec raised an eyebrow at me like a lost puppy before trying his food.

    《This is actually good》he spoke with his mouth full, I laughed at him.《Like actually good》

    《Yeah I know》I smiled.

    《Can we do this more often?? I'm tired of Izzy's cooking》he asked excited.

    《Yeah. Yeah, sure》I threw him a fake smile.

        And then it hit me. What was I doing? Sleeping in the same bed as Alec? Bringing him to my favorite fast food? I was crossing the line. I was screwing things up. I gulped and finished my food in silence.

    《What's up with you and your mood lately?》Alec asked suddenly. I glanced up at him and gazed into his eyes.


    《You were all happy and excited that I brought you in this mundane place and now - I don't know - that sparkle in your eyes is gone》

    《What sparkle?》I nervously giggled,《What are you talking about?》

    《That sparkle you have in your eyes everytime you're with me

        I froze at his words and felt tears stinging into my eyes. I quickly got up and packed the food left-overs in a tissue. His eyes wildly traveled on every corner of my face, studying and analyzing every movement I made. An odd, unpuzzled, expression of shock on his face.

    《What are you doing??》he asked, his voice trembling.

    《I'm- I just remembered I had promised Emma to help her with training and, uh, I forgot to tell you. She must be waiting for me, s-surely》I lied and stuttered.

    《What? What about me??》his sad frown broke my heart.

    《Y-You can go to Magnus now. I'm sure he doesn't mind having you earlier. Since he is, uh, you know, your boyfriend》

    《B-But- this had to be our day!》he followed me outside and yelled after me.

    《Maybe another time!》I yelled back as I jogged back to the Institute.

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