》Chapter 27 ➹ awfully drunk

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    《Guys, demons》Julian interrupted. Alec stood there, his eyes glued on me, as I nodded to our friend and walked towards Emma.

    《Jules》I called,《Emma and I can take care of the demons, can you please keep an eye on Alec?》

    《Sure》he politely smiled.

        Emma and I sneaked out from the back door and went after six shax demons. We both made our moves and swings and stabbed all of them. One of the ugly creatures dropped a golden necklace. My blonde friend and I moved our heads to the side, confused.

        We stepped closer and just stared at it, unsure of what to do.

    《Do we pick it up?》Emma asked.

    《I don't know, the last time I picked something up I activated the Angels Sword, so..》

    《You better don't》a voice laughed.

    《Brendie?》I asked in shock.

    《What are you even doing here? The final battle is close, you should be training. Since, you know, you activated the Sword》he pointed out.

    《What will happen to me if I-》I gulped,《If I kill the Master of Hybrids》

    《I'm afraid that's still unknown, Rachi》he frowned,《What I know is that we will be there with you. All the eleven of us》

    《That's a thrill》I joked.


        Brendon offered to accompany me and Emma back in the club and eventually exchange words with Julian and Alec. I saw him furrow his eyebrows and laugh loudly.

    《Alec Lightwood, uh? Maybe I should show up at the Institute another day》he glanced down at me. I raised an eyebrow and suddenly saw Alec in the middle of the dancefloor.

    《Oh my Angel》I gasped shocked.

        I rushed by his side, grabbed his arm and made him look at me. His cheeks were bright red, and he couldn't even stand right. His eyes met mine and he started laughing.

    《Are you drunk??! Alec what the hell!》I scolded him.

    《Just a little》he laughed drunkenly,《DANCE WITH ME!》

    《Alec, stop. I'll just call Magnus》I pulled away from his grip and rushed outside.

        I slid my phone out of my back pocket and dialed Magnus' number. He picked up right away, fortunately.

    《Mag, I'm at Pandemonium, and there's this little problem-》

    《Biscuit! I'm a little busy with Lucifer, is it an emergency?

    《Alec's drunk》I snapped.

    《Alexander? Lightwood? Drunk?

    《He was stressed about this whole situation and thought it was a good idea to get drunk》I scoffed.

    《Meet me at my loft in an hour and carry him with you. The hangover will be awful for his poor Shadowhunter ego


        I took a deep breath and walked back into the noisy club. I made my way through the sweaty bouncing crowd and spotted Alec dancing with some random girl. What the hell??

        I rushed to them and grabbed Alec's arm, he snapped his head at me and laughed.

    《What the hell are you doing?!》I shouted.

    《Hey! Go away, he's mine!》the girl yelled and giggled. Great.

    《Excuse me??》I fiercely stood between Alec and her, grabbing her hand and pushing it away from Alec's.

    《Ah! You should be sooo scared!》Alec laughed,《SHE'S THE BEST SHADOWH-》

    《Enough》I grabbed Alec's bicep and carried him away.

    《I WANNA DAAANCE!》he shouted and whined, using all his strength to stop me and pulled me against his chest.

    《Just one dance and we leave, you hear me?》I gave up.

    《YEEES!》he cheered, I tried to hold back a laugh at the view of one of the most serious Shadowhunters being so wasted and giggly.


        I took a sip from Alec's drink and immediately felt dizzy. What the heck was he even drinking?? The effect was so strong and immediate I grew scared. The whole club seemed like spinning around fast and blurry. Everything but Alec was blurry. I breathed out, he laughed.

        I internally cheered as the next song wasn't a slow. A loud Calvin Harris song started playing through the speakers, and I felt the instant urge of throwing up. Ohgod.

        I felt Alec's strong grip on my waist as he pulled me against his chest and started jumping and bouncing to the music. I felt like I was trapped inside my own body, my shameless ego taking advantage of my slightly drunken state.

        I could feel my body bouncing with Alec's against my will, the alcohol having the best of me. I started laughing for no reason, and I internally felt screwed up. Don't do anything stupid. Don't do anything stupid.

        I grabbed Alec's hair and pulled it, he laughed and tightened the grip on my waist, pulling me even closer. My heart dropped when he leaned in and started kissing my neck. I whimpered and my whole body shook and tensed up at the touch of his warm lips on my skin. Everything around was turning even more blurry, I felt completely lost and helpless.

        I messed up Alec's hair until it was messy, his lips still on my skin. Something clicked in me all of a sudden and I was wide awake again. I gulped and froze, embarrassed, and pulled Alec away.

    《I, uh, I-》I stuttered, a familiar figure walking towards us.

        I grew even more embarrassed and uncomfortable, my breaths stuck in my dry throat.

    《I'll get him to the Institute. Are you okay?》Izzy asked.

    《No?》my voice cracked, as I started breathing heavily and tears rolled down my cheeks.

    《Okay, hold on》she looked around and called Mark and Julian.

        Mark raised his eyebrows at me, as I was now running my hands wildly into my hair. Julian gave me a sympathetic look and nodded at Isabelle's words. They would've brought Alec to the Institute and she would've stayed with me and Emma.


    《Stop crying, you did nothing wrong!》Isabelle scolded me as we arrived in front of the Seelie court bridge.

    《I s-should've s-stopped him. I-I'm s-so weak》I sobbed.《He w-will hate himself when h-he'll sober up》

        When Mark arrived, I thanked Isabelle and Emma and hugged them the tighter I could. We said our goodbyes, waved, and I moved my eyes on the blond curly half Seelie.

    《Are you sure?》he softly asked again as he stood up on the top of the bridge.

    《Y-yeah》I breathed out as I climbed up and intertwined my fingers with his.

        One, two, three, and we both jumped into the river that would've brought us to the Seelie court.

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