》Chapter 34 ➹ he knows?

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    《I genuinely don't care! We don't know this guy, how do we know that we can trust him? I don't. I don't trust him》Alec snapped at Lucifer.

    《No offense, Lightwood, but my daughter needs more protection. Especially now that we don't know what the curse is and how it will affect her》

    《No offense, Lucifer-》he mocked,《I can take care of her myself. Plus, she also has Magnus, and Mark, and literally all of us》

    《I'm fully aware of it, Alec. It's just one more》

    《That guy?》Alec sighed dramatically as he crossed his arms against his fine chest.

    《Owen. Yes》Lucifer stated in an authoritative tone.

        I walked into the common room and looked at both of them intensely. I was confused and amused at the same time at how much they wanted to protect me at all costs. Did I need protection? Maybe. But I was tired of always being the fragile girl in constant danger.

        I laid my eyes on Alec and threw him a small shy smile.  He returned it right away, his facial features softened. My heart pumped hard against my chest as he slowly stepped towards me and leaned in so he could whisper something into my ear.

    《Can I please talk to you for a second?》his breath tickled my skin and sent a cold shiver up and down my spine. I gulped and nodded.《In private


        The Institute's garden space was as beautiful as always. Yet, to my eyes, the most beautiful thing out there was Alec.

        It had been months. Months of me constantly fighting against my feelings. I liked Alec, a lot. A lot lot. But it wasn't fair neither to him and Magnus, let alone myself. I hated myself for it. Falling for my best friend? Who was already in a relationship with my other best friend? It was awful and consuming.

        The dark-haired Shadowhunter took small steps towards me and stopped mid-way so I could reach him, which I did. I tried to hide how hard I was trying not to look directly into his eyes.

        He moved his hand forward, grabbed my arm, and pulled me into a tight hug. I gave in every sign of fighting the will to hold him, and burnt my face against his fine chest.

    《I'm the curse》he eventually said as he held me so tight I couldn't look up at him.

    《What??》I let out a suppressed nervous laugh and pushed him away a little.

    《I'm, uh, not stupid》

    《I know?》I chuckled,《What's going on?》

    《Shorty》he breathed out intensely, causing my heart to drop instantly.《I know

    《You know what?》I gulped.



        The air got thin and cold on my skin, but I somehow was hot and sweating. Was he talking about my feelings for him?? He knew?? Since when he knew? Had somebody told him?

        I took a few steps back, and nervously inhaled and exhaled sharply. Alec's sparkly eyes traveled wildly on my face, studying every movement of mine carefully.

    《Wh- What are you talking about?》

    《Shorty, hey, it's okay》he whispered with the sweetest tone ever, trying to pull me back to him.

    《I don't know what you- what- uh?》I stepped back again.

    《Rach, I need your help with something》a voice echoed from out of nowhere.

        I could see Alec's eyes going from sweet to furious at the sound of Owen's voice. I took a deep breath and turned around with a fake smile.

    《Is there a problem here?》Owen raised an eyebrow.

    《The only problem here is your-》Alec abruptly stopped mid-sentence to look at my teary eyes.《Shorty..》his voice softened instantly.

    《Rachél..》Owen stepped forward as well.

    《I should just- go》I finally spoke, getting confused and sympathetic looks from both the boys.

    《What did you do to her??》 Owen chimed in defensively.

    《Any of this is your business》 Alec scoffed.

    《It is now》the brown haired guy stood between my Shadowhunter crush and I.

    《Owen, it's nothing-》I tried to avoid a useless fight.

    《This clearly isn't nothing, Rach》

    《Don't call her that》Alec stepped forward.

    《Enough》Isabelle madly entered the room with a very confused Magnus.《There is a more important issue right now. Stop acting like kids. Both of you. The new Master of Angels is here and wants to see you, Rach》

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