》Chapter 28 ➹ leave or leave not?

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        A brief fresh wind blew through my hair, and the air got cold. I took a strong grip on the blanket and shoved it over my head. I rolled over back and forth trying to find a comfortable position on the hard grass. I gave up right away and snapped my eyes open.

        Mark was peacefully lying under a tree, his breathing calm and soothing, as he smiled at the sparkly flying creatures. I smiled and took steps towards him quietly.

    《Can't sleep?》he asked without moving his sight from his flying distractions.

    《Not really. But I like it here》I admitted as I lay down next to him and glanced at the same creatures.

    《Maybe. However, after a while it gets lonely》he breathed out.

        We lay down in silence, as the Sun slowly made his way up in the dark sky. We witnessed dawn together, a peace of senses, especially in that surrounding. I blinked and felt my eyes heavy, so I carefully placed my head on Mark's chest and finally fell asleep in his arms.


        The sudden sound of my phone buzzing against the terrain scared me. Mark picked up the call for me, which I was thankful for. When I opened my eyes again, he was glancing down at me impatiently.

    《What? Is there something wrong?》I yawned.

    《No, it's- It's actually good news. For you anyway》he smirked.


    《Alec doesn't remember a thing about last night》he laughed, causing my head to move against his chest going up and down.

    《Thank goodness》I sighed of relief, he laughed again.

    《Rach》he spoke again,《How does it work if we- if we become parabatai? Will you have to come back to our Institute or will I have to move to yours?》

    《I- I actually have no idea》my eyes widened. I had never thought of that, ever. I would've never had him move away from his family, they needed him and he needed them. But I couldn't move out either, right?

    《We will find a way, I was just wondering》he warmly smiled,《This place always seems to turn me into a heavy thinker》


        When my half Seelie parabatai-to-be and I approached the New York Institute, Isabelle ran into my arms with a wide grin. She filled us up with the news and activities of the day. Apparently, Lucifer wanted to see us all in the common room.

        When we entered the door, everyone's eyes snapped on us. Especially Alec's. I gulped and moved my eyes on each and every other person around the table.

    《Rachi》Brendon was the first to speak. Alec's eyebrow raised at the nickname.《Father and I wanted you to meet all of us》

    《From left to right-》Lucifer started, as ten guys lined up.《Azael, Beleth, Bernael, Gusion, Jeremiah, Ose, Morex, Elijah, Ezekiel and, well, Brendon

    《The only one with a normal name》Ezekiel joked with a smirk.

    《Well, damn, that's a lot of people you gave your blood to》Jace crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow.

    《Initially, there were twenty-one. With Rachél being the last one》Lucifer informed with a smile.

   《What happened to them? The others》I gulped.

    《They didn't survive the treatment. They never got saved》he sighed with a frown.


        Lucifer and Magnus kept talking about a plan on how not to make me kill the Master of Hybrids. There was a brief pause, fortunately, so we all could breathe a little and stop worrying about getting killed for ten minutes.

        Alec stood up and left the room. I quickly went after him, my heart pounding against my chest. As I called his name, he turned around and threw me a questioning look.

    《Can we please talk? Like, in private?》I asked with heavy breaths from running.

    《You okay?》he raised an eyebrow. I nodded unsurely, so we walked to his room and closed the door behind us.

        As the tall Shadowhunter sat on his own bed, I walked up and down his room, trying to start the conversation in the right way.

    《Rach, you know you can tell me anything, right?》he gently spoke, a warm small smile on his pretty face. I nodded and sat next to him.

    《I, um- Okay, I'll just split it all out》I said, more to myself actually.《I want to ask you something about the parabatai thing. I, uh, I don't want to do anything that upsets you》

    《Go ahead, ask》he glanced down at me thoughtfully.

    《If Mark and I- if we- if we become parabatai.. will we have to live in the same Institute?》I blurted out.

    《It would make sense, yeah. I know Mark, he wouldn't leave his family for moving in this Institute》he frowned,《Wait. You're leaving??》he panicked right away.

    《I'm- not sure yet. But, the point is.. what you said to me last night was true. And I'm so sorry about it》

    《What- what did I tell you?》he breathed heavily, clearly scared of having said something hurtful.

    《You said that you're the only one I was closer to, and now I'm close to everyone but you》I breathed out, his eyes widened.

    《I was probably just mad, please don't mind it》he pleased.

    《No, you- You were right. I'm sorry》

    《Why》he snapped, a hurt tone.《What happened? Why are you trying so hard to ignore me?》

    《I have had selfish thoughts, Alec. I feel so ashamed and guilty and embarrassed it's so frustrating》I shyly admitted and blushed.

    《What?? I know you, you could never be selfish. You're the least selfish person I know》he raised an eyebrow confused.《Wait. Is this all about those cuddles?? I'm gonna kill Mark

    《You said that last night too》I chuckled,《It's really not that. On the contrary, actually》

    《Rach, what are you saying?》he wildly moved his eyes on every corner of my face.

        I looked down embarrassed, my cheeks burning and bright. Alec sweetly moved a piece of hair from my face and looked at me impatiently. A soft knock on the door broke us apart. I gulped, as Alec went for the door.

    《Rachél》a voice called, I looked up and met Magnus' eyes.

    《Is my young lady okay?》he asked as he moved his eyes from me to Alec and back.

    《Mag》I breathed out,《Will I have to move to Los Angeles?》

    《We will find a way. I promise you, biscuit》he softly smiled, already knowing what I was referring to. I nodded and looked back to my feet.

    《The break is over》Julian informed passing by Alec's room.

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