》Chapter 13 ➹ that rune

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    《She won't turn, with Lucifer being her blood-father》Magnus calmly informed.

    《Lucifer being what??》Isabelle panicked even more.

    《Izzy, I'm fine. It's nothing. It doesn't even hurt anymore》I lied.

    《Oh, really?》Alec teased, I nodded.《So, it won't hurt it if I do this》

        He unexpectedly pushed his fingers against my neck. My body shrank as a stinging pain rushed to the point where the scratch was.

    《Alec, what are you doing?!》Izzy quickly stopped him with teary eyes.

    《Don't lie to me》Alec demanded, his strong sight staring deep into my soul.《Please

        I felt like choking at the sight of his mad and hurt eyes. I tried to stop tears from falling, but my following breath came out as a sob. I quickly ran into my room and locked myself in. I didn't want to see anyone. Or did I?

        All I could remember after two hours, is that I cried myself to sleep. Until I had any more tears left. When I opened my eyes, Magnus was sitting next to me, the Angels book in his hands.

    《How did you get in?》I asked weakly. He stared at me, and I remembered he was a Warlock.《Right, a portal》

    《What is, cupcake, the main problem?》he asked, placing the book on the bed as well.

    《Um, let's see.. Jace is missing, Jev is in danger, Alec is mad at me, you've been kidnapped because of me. I can't think of a reason right now》

    《I am quite old, young lady. I can see through people. And I spot something into those teary eyes of yours》he stated curiously.

    《Then stop reading my emotions, please. I'm fine. No, I'm not. I'm worried. I don't want any of you to be in danger because of me. Again.

    《Any of us, or Alexander?》

        I threw him a death glare. How could he think I only cared about Alec. After all we've been through together.《Any of you》

    《I apologize》he frowned.

    《This isn't about Alec, or about me. This is about the Angels and their plan》I sighed.

    《The very first day I met you, I knew you had something special. And I'm not referring to your blood》he started,《You healed Alexander with only one touch. And you are the only one that can read the book. The key to our salvation》

    《That's quite a curse, Mag》

    《It may be. But you also have other abilities you still have to discover. And I will be there for you, to help you and protect you. Always.》

    《I can survive my emotions, you know that, right? I won't let my heart rule my being. This I promise you, Magnus》

    《You're not to blame, you see》he smirked, and I knew he was referring to Alec.

    《I know about your crush》Magnus said before I could leave my room. I stopped, sighed, and faced him.

    《Then you should also know that I won't do a thing about that. You're like an older brother to me, and I love you to the moon and back. You deserve all the happiness you'll get with him.》

   《I love you too, young and brave angel》he frowned.《I'm very sorry》

    《Don't be》I tried to smile,《I will grow over this. Hopefully, it won't take long. It just needs time》

    《Just, please, don't push him away》he added,《He would be devastated》


        The Institute's garden was full of beautiful and colorful flowers, now being finally springtime. The sun was still up, so I let my body lay free on the grass. I closed my eyes, my senses growing stronger. It all smelled wonderful, what I call "spring smell" was spreading all around. The air was soft and soothing.

    《I knew I'd find you here》a voice suddenly spoke. I kept my eyes closed and sighed.《I know you want to be alone. But, as you probably remember, you didn't let me go through my mess alone, so I won't let you do the same》

    《How poetic, fairy》I smiled.

    《Leave me some space, wolfie》Mark teased, as he rested beside me.

        I could almost feel him breathe in all the good smells and fresh air. Having lived in the Seelie court, he was one of the few people who could understand my love for nature.

    《Hey, snow white, don't you steal all my fresh air》I teased him, he chuckled loudly.

    《It was hard for me when the whole mess with Kieran happened》he started.

    《Your Seelie boyfriend?》

    《Yes, my Seelie boyfriend. Being in love is sometimes a curse, do you agree?》he smiled and rolled over on his side so he could face me. I did the same and gazed up into his sparkly eyes.

    《I agree》I weakly smiled.

    《The Institute keeper approved the mission. We will leave for the Hybrids Angels' court at four in the morning. Are you sure you're okay?》

    《Yeah. Let's just do this and save Jace》I assured Mark.

        I entered the Institute and grabbed a Seraph Blade. I then stepped into my room and found the one and only Alec Lightwood on my bed. I cursed myself for being so cheesy and easily found.

    《Um, I need to get ready. Sorry》I lied. He snapped his eyes on me and rushed beside me.

    《I'm very sorry, incredibly sorry. I'm mortified. I don't know what came over me, does it hurt??》he apologized and caressed my neck.

        I quickly grabbed his hand and put it away.《I'm fine, Alec. I accept your apologies. You can go now》

    《Rach, please, don't do this to me》he almost cried. I raised an eyebrow at his reaction.

    《I just need to get ready, we're fine. It's all good》I lied coldly.

    《I was thinking, maybe ─ can I do something?》he asked with a sad tone. I sighed and nodded.

        He grabbed my hand and carried me on my bed. When I sat down, he picked up his stele and moved some hair away from my neck. I let him do whatever he wished, just one last time. My skin burnt against his touch, but I felt nothing. Nothing more than a sting. A tear escaped my eye. Great, crying in front of Alec. Good job.

    《I'll see you later, okay?》Alec stood up and unexpectedly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a warm hug.

        I felt my legs going numb but somehow managed to stand still. I nodded and waited for him to leave, before heading to the mirror and see what masterpiece he had drawn on my scratch.

        I trembled and gasped. I ran my fingers slowly on the rune drawn by Alec. It was the block/deflect rune, the same he had on his neck. The same rune on the same exact spot.

    《Alexander Gideon Lightwood. What are you doing to me

The Secret Of Angels // Magnus Bane ☆Where stories live. Discover now