》Chapter 7 ➹ trouble

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         Isabelle and I entered Taki's and sat down a table, waiting for a waiter to pick our orders. I tried to ignore the sights of the big amount on downworlders in the café. I still wasn't used to being the center of attention, yet Isabelle loved having all eyes on her.

        She grinned and whispered.《How did you do that?》

    《Do what?》

    《Getting Alec all worried for you. He looks softer only to you and Magnus》

    《He is》I admitted,《When we first met he was all mad at me for some reason》

    《Isn't he always at everyone?》she chuckled.

    《Sometimes he just makes me roll my eyes so hard I'm afraid both will fall off someday》I joked, we laughed.

        Magnus entered the café a few moments later, followed by an annoyed Alec.

    《Breakfast!》the Warlock happily cheered.

    《We shouldn't eat in a moment like this》Alec scoffed.

        Isabelle and I glared up at him, our mouths full of donuts. Magnus rolled his eyes, I looked at Isabelle with a -- see? He makes everyone roll their eyes -- look, she chuckled and almost choked on her food.

    《What》Alec asked confused.

    《Alexander, pretty boy, we must be hydrated if we want a flawless skin》Magnus smiled.

    《What worries you?》I asked him instead.

    《Maybe the fact that Fallen Angels want you, and one of them just threatened you. And our Institute is not our Institute anym--》

     《None of those matters can be solved in now time》Magnus answered quietly with a smile.


        Right after one of the best meals of our lives, we walked to the Institute to discuss our routine training with Gale. Fortunately, Robert Lightwood opened the door for us and smiled.

    《Dad, what are you doing here?》Alec and Isabelle said in sync, relieved to see someone familiar.

    《I have a meeting with the Clave Council and I was just about to call you two to join us》

    《Jace is nowhere to be found》Alec informed with the saddest tone.

    《I heard it》Robert sighed,《The meeting is about to start》

        Both Alec and Isabelle turned to me. I nodded and smiled.

    《I will take good care of her》Magnus assured.

    《I know, I trust you》Alec sweetly answered.

        I couldn't recall how many hours had passed since they entered the Institute. I took a look at Magnus, who looked way too focused on Church, the Lightwood's cat.

    《What is taking them so long?》I sighed and sat on the ground.

    《Clave Council's meetings are the worst, you see》Magnus answered, still gazing into the cat's eyes.

    《Warlock!》a voice suddenly yelled.

        Magnus jumped on his feet and covered me with his own body.

    《You stayed the same as the last time we met》the purple haired guy spoke.

    《I feel offended》

    《Magnus Bane. What happened to you? You spend your free time serving Shadowhunters now?》

    《Last time I checked, what I do is none of your business》Magnus teased with a grin.

        Five or six more guys grabbed both me and Magnus and carried us in front of a purple sparkly huge portal. My eyes desperately looked for Magnus' until our sights finally met. He looked miserable and guilty, I wanted to hug him. I wanted to tell him that none of this was his fault.

        They pushed him into the portal as he yelled my name.

    《Don't worry. You will reunite with your Warlock soon》a creepy voice whispered in my ear.

    《MAGNUS! RACHÉL!》I heard Alec desperately scream at the top of his lungs.


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