》Chapter 16 ➹waking up

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*New York Institute*
10 months earlier

    《She's not a mundane, Alec, please. Be nice》a female sweet voice spoke as I entered an abandoned old church look-a-like.

    《Why? She has the sight but she is, in fact, a mundane》a male, who I supposed was Alec, scoffed.

        Magnus Bane claimed to be a very powerful and known Warlock. One day, he just appeared in my house, talked to my family, and brought me to Brooklyn with him. Looking at him now, he didn't seem any nervous. Surely not as anxious as I was.

    《Welcome to the Institute! I'm Isabelle, we'll be great friends!》the gorgeous girl warmly welcomed me. As she hugged me, her black long hair flew on my face.

    《You must be Rachél, it's very nice to meet you. My name is Jace, we've heard wonderful things about you》a blond guy shook my hand.

        I couldn't stop looking around. That place looked like a NASA secret lab or something. The hall was filled up with computers and electronic devices of all kind. On the floor tiles, there were the same runes as the previous place I had been accompanied to. I wondered if it was a cult. But, again, Magnus cared too much about me to just throw me at some satanic cult folks.

    《Don't get used to this, you'll be out of here in no time anyway》the tall dark guy blurted out.

    《Alec!》Isabelle and Jace yelled in sync, Magnus sighed exhausted.

    《You'll be just fine》Magnus assured in a whisper and squeezed my hand, I nodded.《I will show up every now and then, I promise

    《Why can't I just stay at your loft? There's plenty of space. I promise I will not hide from your cats, they just ─ scare me》I whispered back.

    《That's fantastic. We will have to babysit a little girl who's scared of cats》Alec crossed his arms.

    《Alec, enough!》Jace coldly yelled. Isabelle sweetly grabbed my arm and carried me upstairs.


        A loud pound on my door made me jump. I tried to calm down and quietly opened it right away.

    《Apparently, you're my mission》a very annoyed Alec blurted out with his arms crossed. I stared at him confused.

    《Mission: a situation in which we have a duty and we have to─》

    《I know what a mission is》I cut him off.

    《I'm impressed》he said with a dead serious expression.


*Hybrids of Heaven court*
Present time

        I couldn't tell how much time had passed but, when I tried to open my eyes, everything was as I left it. Warm blood kept spreading on my shirt, my wound still open. I took a quick blurry glance at the double glass door, just to see Alec screaming with tears in his eyes.

        He punched the glass again and again and, this time, it shattered into billions of flying pieces. He rushed by my side and held my head up quite instantly. I could feel warm blood flowing from his knuckles.

    《Don't even think about leaving us》he begged in between sobs. My heart broke even more.

        I moved my eyes and locked my sight on Magnus. He looked miserable and desperate, his sweaty messy hair stuck on his forehead. I fought with all of my strength to manage to raise my hand up just so I could place it on his.

        The Warlock froze and slowly glanced down at me. His beautiful face was filled up with tears, and it hit me even harder. Seeing the High Warlock of Brooklyn sobbing because of me, was one of the most painful things to watch.

    《Don't you dare》his voice came out as broken as glass.

        Lucifer walked closer and fiercely grabbed the arrow stuck in my stomach. I widened my eyes at the realization that he was about to do. He ripped it off in a second without even blinking once.

        A sharp cold pain rushed through all my body as fast as a train. I let out a scream and the whole hall fell silent again. In between blurry visions and a glimpse of black, I saw Lucifer getting closer to the Master Angel with anger in his being. The green of his eyes suddenly turned fire red. He opened up his arms and snapped his fingers.

        A circle of burning fire appeared around us, keeping us safe. I heard all the Hybrids scream. The scream of Angels was one of the worst sounds in the history of sad sounds. But those Angels were, in fact, a cult of betrayal to the real ancient Angels court.

        Lucifer set all the Angels' wings on fire, raising Hell all around us. I gazed up and my eyes met Alec's, making my heart drop right away. I tried my best to smile at him, only causing him to sob even harder. Oh, what a mess.


     《The last thing she said was that ugly joke about the stairway of Heaven》someone pointed out.

    《That was a very good joke》I softly said with the weakest tone.

        I felt someone's presence right next to me, as he squeezed my hand tight.《You're hurting me, Lightwood》I chuckled.

    《What on earth did your stupid heart told you to do?? What even- What is wrong with─》

    《Hey. You sounded nicer when I was dying》I weakly smiled and tried to open my eyes. The light was still too lightful for me, so I just gave up and kept it closed.《What's the highlights? What did I miss?》

    《Nothing much, really. My miserable presence, that's all》a deep voice joked. I smiled again, happy he was safe and sound.

    《Well, we apparently couldn't live without you, Herondale》I joked, he chuckled.《How's Magnus? Where's he?》

    《We forced him to bed. He hasn't left your side since ─ you know ─ that day》Emma explained.

    《We also forced Alec to bed as well but he would always sneak out in the middle of the night》Isabelle chuckled, and I could swear she was rolling her eyes dramatically.

    《He feels guilty》Alec blurted out.《It doesn't matter what we say, he wouldn't stop blaming it on himself》

    《Split it all out, brother》Izzy insisted.

    《Fine》Alec sighed, clearly annoyed.《I blame myself too. I just- I had to stop you. No matter what, I had to─》

    《Alec》I sighed.《I had two choices. It was me or Magnus. And I'd rather it to be me because, honestly, Magnus is too precious to leave this world already》

    《Also, Shadowhunter, you want to know what her last words before passing out were?》a familiar melodic voice spoke. Phoenix?! What was he doing here?

    《What the hell are you doin─》I started, but Alec quickly interrupted me.《Go ahead》he softly demanded.

    《Her last words were: Alec is going to kill me

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