》Chapter 38 ➹ struggles

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    I woke up abruptly in the middle of the night with a strong pain on my chest, but also on my left arm. I suffocated a scream and snapped my eyes open, just to see the one and only Alexander Lightwood above me. His hair was messy, as he had just woken up, and a flash of pure panic glued in his eyes. His strong grip kept my hands steady above my head, his fast breaths blew a warm wind on my skin so intensely that I unwillingly shivered.

    "You okay?" he asked with his raspy voice, his heart almost pumping out of his fine chest.

    "Yeah, I- it's okay. Where's Jules?" I answered with a very low tone as I slowly pushed his body away from mine.

    "It's okay?!" he furrowed his eyebrows with a mad look. Why was he mad? Did I say something in my sleep? Had I hurt him?

    "Are you hurt? Did I do something bad?" I started panicking. -- "You okay?"

    "Hey, it's all good. You're all good" his voice softened as he tried to pull me into a hug.

    "I came as quickly as I could!" Brendon rushed into my room running. -- "Oh god" he gasped as he stared at my left arm.


    And that's when I saw it. My left arm. There was blood everywhere on my sheets, a scratch on my skin. I snapped my eyes on Alec, who soon gave me a sympathetic frown.

    "Where's Jules?" I asked again.

    "He's a little shocked but he's fine" Brendon sighed. -- "This is -- way worse than we thought"

    "What is?" Alec asked confused. -- "You knew about this?? You knew this was going to happen??"

    "Honestly, no. We just-"

    "Seriously, what's with you? I'm here to help, why do you keep pushing me away? You don't trust me??" Alec stood up with a mad tone and yelled at me.

    "Alec, please, not this again" I sighed as tears started rolling down my warm cheeks.

    "She needs an Iratze" Julian finally showed up, followed by Mark. He looked tired, as he hadn't gotten any sleep at all.

    "Jules, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I almost cried.

    "Really? You're worried about me? Are you for real?" the brown-haired Shadowhunter furrowed his eyebrows. A soft chuckle left his lips, "I'm fine, just- it wasn't exactly a good show to watch"

    "What happened?" Mark finally asked. Good question! That's my parabatai candidate!

    "S-She was asleep and then she started scratching her arm for no apparent reason, and I was so scared, I had to call Alec" Jules frowned and then apologized to me. -- "I'm so sorry, I didn't know what else I could do"

    "Really? Did you just apologize for calling me?" Alec grew even angrier. -- "Like I'm some kind of stranger? Like I haven't spent weeks by her side after every attack she had witnessed??"

    "This isn't about you, Lightwood" Mark crossed his arms against his chest with an annoyed look on his face.

    "What is going on? What's all this yelling?" Isabelle showed up as well. Disaster. Critical disaster.

    "Nothing, go back to sleep" Alec unexpectedly moved to my side so he could cover my bleeding arm. -- "We just had a little discussion. It's all good now, you can go"

    "That's exactly what we did, Alec. Think about it" Julian walked closer and grabbed his hoodie from my bed. -- "We protect the ones we love, even if that means we have to lie to some other people we also love"


    It was 6am when everyone left the room. I had my Iratze drawn, but the sharp pain was still there. In my chest. When I reached the training room, Lucifer rushed to me and checked my arm.

    "I'm fine, just a little scratch" I lied.

    "You're my daughter, you have my blood flowing in you. You think I can't see when you're hurting?" he rolled his green sparkly eyes.

    "What's with you all and reading through everything I say?? Oh my Angel, y'all are so freaking stubborn I don't know if I can make it alive at this point"

    "Woah, bad night?" a deep voice asked.

    "Phoenix?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

    "Hello, little lamb" he showed up from behind Lucifer and widely smiled at me. -- "I heard the curse has started, uh?"

    "You heard right, in fact. First day and she's already out of her mind. Honestly, I am beyond scared for her health" Lucifer answered.

    "Whatever you guys say. I just need to cool it down" I sighed and turned to the weapons shelf, so I could grab Alec's bow and quiver.

    "What exactly? The fact that you're in love with Alexander Lightwood?"

    As the voice of Phoenix spread through the air, I sucked in a sharp breath and let go three arrows at the same time. All three landing on each target, right in the middle. I freezed and didn't dare to meet his eyes as he kept speaking. -- "You're aware it's not your fault, right?"

    "I don't know what you're talking about" I said with a cold tone that almost sounded like a robotic voice. -- "Alec is happily paired with Magnus"

    "So that is the problem. Interesting"

    "You don't know me, shut the hell up!" I madly grabbed a Seraph blade and pointed it at his neck very quickly.

    "Woah, okay" he raised his arms with a laugh. He then threw a smile to Lucifer. -- "She's pretty great, uh?"

    "Careful what you say" he warned him, "Remember she has a part of me in her. She could go from being the greatest Angel to being your worst nightmare in less than a second"

    "So let's not wake the beast, shall we?" the Fallen Angel laughed again.

    "What's so funny, Fallen?" I stared at him with veins almost pumping out of my neck. But, what if this was the curse? Becoming a real-life demon?

    I shivered at the only idea of what could happened, so I dropped the Seraph blade. I grabbed the bow instead and threw three more arrows towards the targets, hitting them all in the central spot.

    "Lightwood boy taught you well, uh?"

    "Stop talking about Alec, by the Angel!"

    "If you won't admit it you will never break free!"


    "Make me" he smirked, "Kiss me"

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